setwd("C:/Users/Tamerlan/Desktop") library(haven) library(plm) library(lfe) library(gravity) library(lmtest) library(pglm) library(fixest) load("LUL.dta") # -------------------------------------------------- OLS -------------------------------------------------------- # OLS = lm(lTF ~ lGDP_o + lGDP_d + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + factor(Year) + factor(iso_o) + factor(iso_d), data = C) summary(OLS) # --------------------------------------------- FIXED EFFECTS --------------------------------------------------- # #plm function #effect="twoways" == "Factor(Year)" #FE = plm(lTF ~ lGDP_o + lGDP_d + ldist + EU_o + EU_d, data = A, model = "within",index=c("pair","Year"), effect = "twoways") #Inefficient use of RAM #felm function - #UZ = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d + #both_in + one_in + iso_code_o:Year + iso_code_d:Year | pair, data = C) #Better than plm ############################## FE using lfe ################################### C = subset(B,B$TF>0) #Benchmark - EU dummies Alpha = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) #TradeCreation Beta = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + both_in + one_in|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) #EU-dummies + lags Gamma = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) stargazer(Alpha, Beta, Gamma, type ="text") stargazer(Alpha,Beta,Gamma, title = "FE (year & pair) dummies", column.labels = c("EU-Effect","Trade Creation","EU-Dummies"), omit = c("factor", "Constant"), dep.var.labels =c("log(exports)","log(exports)", "log(exports)"), add.lines = list (c("Year FE", "Yes", "Yes","Yes"), c("Pair FE", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes")), = TRUE, out = "LaTeX.tex", type = "text") #TEST: FE x OLS pFtest(Alpha, OLS) #p-value is <0.05 => FE > OLS # Clustered standard errors ##Clustering by year coeftest(FE, vcov=vcovHC(FE, type="sss", cluster="time")) ##Clustering by country coeftest(FE, vcov=vcovHC(FE, type="sss", cluster="group")) stargazer(FE, coeftest(FE, vcov=vcovHC(FE, type="sss", cluster="time")), coeftest(FE, vcov=vcovHC(FE, type="sss", cluster="group")), type = 'text') # --------------------------------------------- RANDOM EFFECTS --------------------------------------------------- # RE = plm(lTF ~ lGDP_o + lGDP_d + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d , data = C, model = "random", index=c("pair","Year"), effect = "twoways") summary(RE) #BP-Test bptest(RE, data = A) # => rejected (p<0.05) => heteroskedasticity is present #Hausman - Test phtest(RE,gamma) # again p<0.05 => FE is preferred over RE # -------------------------------------------------- P P M L -------------------------------------------------------- # ## NOTE: USE FRESH DATASET, WHERE THERE ARE MISSING DATA #B = unknownToNA(Dtaset, "..") #B$GDP_d = as.numeric(as.character(B$GDP_d)) #B$GDP_o = as.numeric(as.character(B$GDP_o)) #B$lGDP_o = log(B$GDP_o) ##B$lGDP_d = log(B$GDP_d) #B$lTF = log(B$TF) #B$ldist = log(B$distw) #B = pdata.frame(B , index =c("pair", "Year")) #Exporter-time-variant fixed effects B$expyears <- paste(B$iso_code_o, B$Years) exp_years_d = factor(B$expyears) exp_years_dummies = model.matrix(~exp_years_d) exp_years_dummies <- exp_years_dummies[,-1] #Importer-time-variant fixed effects B$impyears <- paste(B$iso_code_d, B$Years) imp_years_d = factor(B$impyears) imp_years_dummies = model.matrix(~imp_years_d) imp_years_dummies <- imp_years_dummies[,-1] #Pair-time-variant fixed effects B$pairfe = paste(factor(B$pair)) B$yearfe = paste(factor(B$Year)) #Checking the results of ppml fucntion with pglm: Poi = pglm(formula = TF ~ lGDP_o + lGDP_d + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + pairfe + yearfe, family = poisson, model = "pooling", data = B) summary(Poi) # => pglm double check successful => ppml function derived same results as pglm Poisson = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + EU_o + EU_d|pair + Year,B) summary(Poisson) Poisson2 = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d |pair + Year,B) summary(Poisson2) Poisson3 = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + both_in + one_in|pair + Year,B) summary(Poisson3) # -------------------------------------------------- EXPORT -------------------------------------------------------- # library(stargazer) stargazer(Po1,Po2,Po3,Po4, title = "PPML", column.labels = c("1","2","3","4"), omit = c("factor", "Constant"), dep.var.labels =c("log(exports)","exports"), = TRUE, out = "lel.tex", type = "text") # Doesnt work on Poisson function # ---------------------------------------- SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS -----------------------------------------------------------# Prima = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) Sekunda = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) Tertia = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) Quarta = felm(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d|as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = C) stargazer(Prima,Sekunda,Tertia,Quarta, type="text", cluster = "pair") PoissonA = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + EU_o + EU_d|pair + Year,B) PoissonB = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d|pair + Year,B) PoissonC = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d|pair + Year,B) PoissonD = feglm(TF ~ ldist + lGDP_o + lGDP_d + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d|pair + Year,B) summary(PoissonA) stargazer(Prima, Sekunda, Tertia , Quarta, title = "FE - Dummy Variations", column.labels = c("EU Effect","First Lag","Second Lag","Both Lags"), omit = c("factor", "Constant"), add.lines = list (c("Year FE", "Yes", "Yes","Yes", "Yes"), c("Pair FE", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes")), = TRUE, out = "lel.tex", type = "text") ####---------- ROBUST SE ----------------#### FEOLS_pair_year <- feols(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d | as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = B) summary(FEOLS_pair_year, cluster = "pair") FEOLS_pair_year2 <- feols(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + both_in + one_in | as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = B) summary(FEOLS_pair_year2, cluster = "pair") FEOLS_pair_year3 <- feols(lTF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d | as.factor(pair) + as.factor(Year), data = B) summary(FEOLS_pair_year3, cluster = "pair") poisson_simple1 <- feglm(TF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d | pair + Year, data = B) summary(poisson_simple1, cluster = "pair") poisson_simple2 <- feglm(TF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + both_in + one_in | pair + Year, data = B) summary(poisson_simple2, cluster = "pair") poisson_simple3 <- feglm(TF ~ lGDP_d + lGDP_o + ldist + EU_o + EU_d + EU_lag_o + EU_lag_d + EU_lag2_o + EU_lag2_d| pair + Year, data = B) summary(poisson_simple3, cluster = "pair") ##################################### DATA CREATION ########################################################## setwd("C:/Users/Tamerlan/Desktop") load("GravData.dta") # <====== DATA FOR PPML Uno$GDP_o = as.numeric(as.character(Uno$GDP_o)) Uno$GDP_d = as.numeric(as.character(Uno$GDP_d)) Uno$lGDP_d = log(Uno$GDP_d) Uno$lGDP_o = log(Uno$GDP_o) Uno$ldist = log(Uno$distw) Uno$TF[Uno$TF == 0] = NA Uno = na.omit(object = Uno) Uno$lTF = log(Uno$TF) Uno = Uno[,c(2,1,6,4,5,3,8,7,10,9,18,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22)] library(plm) Uno =pdata.frame(Uno, index =c("pair", "Year")) attach(Uno) ####################################################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################################################################### setwd("C:/Users/Tamerlan/Desktop") library(haven) CEPII = read_dta("cepii_time_invariant.dta") library(readxl) Origin = read_excel("gdpwrld.xlsx") Destination = read_excel("gdpwrld2.xlsx") library(tidyr) A = c(Origin$iso_code_o) B = c(Destination$iso_code_d) library(dplyr) Prima = crossing(A, B) names(Prima)[1] = "iso_code_o" names(Prima)[2] = "iso_code_d" #Seconda is the almost final files missing in 3 or 4 columns Secunda = full_join(Prima, Origin, by = "iso_code_o") #creating the columns to merge with secunda Tertia = full_join(Prima, Destination, by = "iso_code_d") supplementtable = within(Tertia, rm("iso_code_o", "Year", "iso_code_d")) # cbind => CBIND might be used but it only merges dataset with a columns and does not match the data, #thus you must reorder the columns u need to merge in excel Final = cbind(supplementtable, Secunda) #reordering columns = FINAL FILE Final$pair = paste(Final$iso_code_d, Final$iso_code_o, sep ="") #Merge with CEPII Finalu = merge(Final, CEPII, by = "pair") #---------------------------------------------- load("trdflw.dta") trdata = U trdata$pair = paste(trdata$ReporterISO3, trdata$PartnerISO3, sep ="") trdata$ReporterISO3 = NULL trdata$PartnerISO3 = NULL Dtaset = merge(trdata, Finalu, by.x = c("pair", "Year"), by.y=c("pair", "Year")) Dtaset = Dtaset[,c(2,1,4,10,11,9,5,12,6,13,7,14,8,15,16:21,3)] colnames(Dtaset)[3] = "iso_o" colnames(Dtaset)[4] = "iso_code_o" colnames(Dtaset)[5] = "iso_d" colnames(Dtaset)[6] = "iso_code_d" colnames(Dtaset)[7] = "GDP_o" colnames(Dtaset)[8] = "GDP_d" colnames(Dtaset)[9] = "EU_o" colnames(Dtaset)[10] = "EU_d" colnames(Dtaset)[11] = "EU_lag_o" colnames(Dtaset)[12] = "EU_lag_d" colnames(Dtaset)[13] = "EU_lag2_o" colnames(Dtaset)[14] = "EU_lag2_d" B = Dtaset B$both_in = ifelse((B$EU_o)*(B$EU_d)==1,1,0) B$one_in = ifelse((B$EU_o)+(B$EU_d)==1,1,0) B = B[,c(1:22,28,24:27)] B$GDP_d = as.numeric(as.character(B$GDP_d)) B$GDP_o = as.numeric(as.character(B$GDP_o)) B$lGDP_o = log(B$GDP_o) B$lGDP_d = log(B$GDP_d) B$lTF = log(B$TF) B$ldist = log(B$distw) save(B, file = "LUL.dta") ################################################################################################# one = read.csv("1-4.csv") two = read.csv("5-7.csv") three = read.csv("3-6.csv") four = read.csv("8-2.csv") five = read.csv("8-10.csv") six = read.csv("7-0.csv") seven = read.csv("11-13.csv") eight = read.csv("14-15.csv") nine = read.csv("16-18.csv") U = rbind(one,two,three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine) save(U, file="trdflw.dta") #--- CREATE LOG OF Xi ---# library(gdata) A = B A = Dtaset A$TF[A$TF==0] = NA A = A[complete.cases(A),] #A = unknownToNA(Dtaset, "..") #A = na.omit(A, object = A) A$GDP_d = as.numeric(as.character(A$GDP_d)) A$GDP_o = as.numeric(as.character(A$GDP_o)) A$lGDP_o = log(A$GDP_o) A$lGDP_d = log(A$GDP_d) A$lTF = log(A$TF) A$ldist = log(A$distw)