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Ethics in Publishing in the Czech Republic
dc.contributor.advisorOvečka, Libor
dc.creatorJuhaňák, Stanislav
dc.description.abstractThe thema of this bachelor's thesis is publishing ethics in the Czech republic. This issue has not been thoroughly worked out. In historical context, the attention was focused more likely on unauthorised reprints and copyrights infringement and - in Czechoslovakia between the world wars - on the publisher mission in the society. As has emerged from the interviews with publishers, everyone is guided by his own ethical code. We can distinguish publisher's personal/professional responsibility (technical quality), social responsobility (content of the book, acting on reader and society, relationship with internal and external employees and transcendental responsiblity (relationship to God). Nowadays, there is no unified publisher ethical code in the Czech republic. There are many situations in the practice which are perceived by some people as unethical, while other take them as part of their business. The target of this thesis is description of publishers' ethics through qualitative analysis of information drawn from the interviews with publishers (N=11) and their colleagues (N=17). In this thesis, there is outlined the wide spectrum of opinion on different ethical dilemmas represented by Christian and other publishers. They believe the publishing ethics gets better, they lay stress on creativity and...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakultacs_CZ
dc.subjectEtika - nakladatelství - křesťanstvícs_CZ
dc.subjectEthics - Publishing - Christianityen_US
dc.titleEtika v nakladatelské praxi v České republicecs_CZ
dc.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologie (do 2018)cs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Theological Ethics and Theology of Spiritualityen_US
dc.description.facultyCatholic Theological Facultyen_US
dc.description.facultyKatolická teologická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedEthics in Publishing in the Czech Republicen_US
dc.contributor.refereeSládek, Karel
thesis.degree.disciplineTheological educationen_US
thesis.degree.disciplineTeologické naukycs_CZ
uk.thesis.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csKatolická teologická fakultacs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enCatholic Theological Facultyen_US
uk.faculty-name.csKatolická teologická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enCatholic Theological Facultyen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csTeologické naukycs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enTheological educationen_US
uk.abstract.enThe thema of this bachelor's thesis is publishing ethics in the Czech republic. This issue has not been thoroughly worked out. In historical context, the attention was focused more likely on unauthorised reprints and copyrights infringement and - in Czechoslovakia between the world wars - on the publisher mission in the society. As has emerged from the interviews with publishers, everyone is guided by his own ethical code. We can distinguish publisher's personal/professional responsibility (technical quality), social responsobility (content of the book, acting on reader and society, relationship with internal and external employees and transcendental responsiblity (relationship to God). Nowadays, there is no unified publisher ethical code in the Czech republic. There are many situations in the practice which are perceived by some people as unethical, while other take them as part of their business. The target of this thesis is description of publishers' ethics through qualitative analysis of information drawn from the interviews with publishers (N=11) and their colleagues (N=17). In this thesis, there is outlined the wide spectrum of opinion on different ethical dilemmas represented by Christian and other publishers. They believe the publishing ethics gets better, they lay stress on creativity and...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakulta, Katedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologie (do 2018)cs_CZ

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