Freedom of Conscience and Religious Policy of Soviet Power in South of Ukraine in 1917-1939 (Historical and Legal aspect): from State to Individual
Freedom of Conscience and Religious Policy of Soviet Power in South of Ukraine in 1917-1939 (Historical and Legal aspect): from State to Individual
dizertační práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 106721
- Kvalifikační práce [2754]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Šafin, Ján
Přibyl, Stanislav
Fakulta / součást
Husitská teologická fakulta
Husitská teologie
Katedra / ústav / klinika
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin
Datum obhajoby
26. 9. 2018
Univerzita Karlova, Husitská teologická fakultaJazyk
Klíčová slova: náboženství; církev; svoboda; svoboda svědomí; protikřesťanská legislativa; vztahy státu-církve; represe proti duchovenstvu; totalitarismus Key words: religion; church; freedom; freedom of conscience; anti-Christian legislation; state- church relations; repression against the clergy; totalitarianism
Resume The thesis is a theoretical generalization and solution of the scientific problem, which consists of the analysis and characterization of the process of formation and development of the right to freedom of conscience, the functioning of this institution in the conditions of the anti-church policy of the Soviet government and clarifying the specific features of the religious policy of the Soviet state in 1917- 1939 and its impact on civil society and individuals (in particular, priests and clergymen, believers, members of their families), through repressive methods of control and coercion. Having investigated the stages of formation and development of the institutions of freedom of conscience and religion (tolerance in certain historical stages of world history), the genesis of views on freedom of conscience and its legislative consolidation in the religious policy of Soviet power in 1917-1939, as well as the influence of state atheistic policy ( in this case, repressive policies) on the fate of individual personalities or groups, in particular clergy, activists and members of religious communities, members of their families, we came to certain theses, which is a response to these challenges in our research: 1) by defining the structure and generalizing various scientific approaches to understanding...