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Texts by A. S. Pushkin as a Part of the St. Petersburg Element
dc.contributor.authorPechal, Zdeněk
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.sourceSvět literatury: Časopis pro novodobé literatury, 2019, 60, 138-144cs_CZ
dc.subjectPetersburg textscs_CZ
dc.subjectA. S. Pushkincs_CZ
dc.subjectThe Bronze Horseman: A Petersburg Talecs_CZ
dc.subjectQueen of Spadescs_CZ
dc.subjectspontaneous textual componentscs_CZ
dc.subjectauthor’s intentioncs_CZ
dc.subjectfree creation of meaningscs_CZ
dc.subjectfigurative dichotomycs_CZ
dc.titleTexty A. S. Puškina jako součást petrohradského živlucs_CZ
dc.title.alternativeTexts by A. S. Pushkin as a Part of the St. Petersburg Elementcs_CZ
dc.typeVědecký článekcs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe article analyzes two Petersburg texts by A.S. Pushkin: The Bronze Horseman: A Petersburg Tale and Queen of Spades. The author states that The Bronze Horseman is based on the dichotomy of the original spontaneous water principle as opposed to the city’s static fundamentals. The horizontal water element lacks a privileged and superior, authoritative position. On the contrary, the city is dominated by the privileged position of the creator, who controls the city’s hierarchy. This situation is also reflected in the text of the Queen of Spades, in which the author, Pushkin, loses the superior position and leaves the semantic initiative to free formation of meanings, which could be perceived as an ironic opposition to the author’s intention. The theme of the cards, the principle of the play, the narrative of “pereskaz”, the dualism of the Petersburg scene and the constant position of the hero “ashore” bring spontaneity to the text structure and become a source of the free formation of meanings.cs_CZ
dcterms.isPartOf.nameSvět literatury: Časopis pro novodobé literaturycs_CZ

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