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Cesta k jinakosti. Poutníci Nadine Gordimerové
dc.contributor.advisorNováková, Soňa
dc.creatorStejskalová, Tereza
dc.description.abstractDilo Nadine Gordimerove je charakteristicke komplexnosti a zamerenim se na tuto jeho vlastnost zacina ma diplomova prace. AutorCiny romany zobrazuji komplikovanost a rozporuplnost intimniho sveta lidskych vztahu, milostnych, rodinnych ci pfitelskych a jejich slozity pomer vuCi svetu vefejnemu, politickemu. To, co zpusobuje onu slozitost v ramci mezilidskych vztahu, je pfedevsim neschopnost komunikace s druhym, ktery je nejakjiny - bud'to barvou sve kuze, spolecenskym postavenim nebo kultumi odlisnosti. Sama Gordimerova prozitek teto odlisnosti dobfe zna. Jako bila intelektu:ilka-spisovatelka angafujici se v boji za dodrzovani zakladnich lidskych pray, jez dlouha leta zila v rasove rozdelene spolecnosti JiZni Afriky, se nemohla v pravem smyslu ztotoznit ani s jednou stranou konfliktu. Hodnoty vladnouci mensiny pro ni byly neakceptovatelne, avsak soucasti potlacovane vetSiny se, pro sve privilegovane postaveni, nikdy nemohla stat. Toto tema se ve velke mife zobrazuje v konfliktech a situacich, v kterych se ocitaji postavy jejich romanu. Nejinak tomuje i v knize, jezje pfedmetem teto prace. Hlavnim tematem romanu The Pickup (v ceskem pfekladu Poutnici) je odlisnost, jinakost a jeji pfivlastiiovani subjektem, ktera nas provazi celym pfibehem jak tematicky tak form:ilne. Jde tu 0 jinakost v intimnim vztahu dvou...cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe central metaphor that serves as a guide through the whole thesis is the notion of journey in its various forms. Before we start to analyze the novel itself it seems necessary to examine more closely what journey is and how it may be defined in the context of the novel. Be it journey as displacement or voluntary relocation, journeys are what defines character's existence that seems always somehow in flux, on the move or ready to move. The characters' world then becomes a mirror image of the world we are living in. While it is true that migration and movement has always been a part of our civilization, in the contemporary context of globalization, the world is, indisputably, in a constant state of flux. Our environment is constantly changing due to the great number of migrating people, exiles or refugees. Territorial security slowly vanishes from our milieu. And so is the novel a realm where, as we shall see where contingency becomes the law not only present in the movement and its circumstances, but in people themselves. The characters' trajectories produce a shape that is by no means seen as a mere background, static pattern that can be classified, it comes to dominate the novel and emerges as a space that is difficult to trace for it seems impossible to define. It forever changes, lacks linearity. To...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleJourney towards otherness. Nadine Gordimer's The Pickupen_US
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentÚstav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Artsen_US
dc.description.facultyFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
dc.title.translatedCesta k jinakosti. Poutníci Nadine Gordimerovécs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeBeran, Zdeněk
thesis.degree.disciplineAnglistika - amerikanistika - Afrikanistikacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineEnglish and American Studies - African Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.programHumanitní studiacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFilozofická fakulta::Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.csFilozofická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Artsen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csAnglistika - amerikanistika - Afrikanistikacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enEnglish and American Studies - African Studiesen_US
uk.degree-program.csHumanitní studiacs_CZ
thesis.grade.csVelmi dobřecs_CZ
thesis.grade.enVery gooden_US
uk.abstract.csDilo Nadine Gordimerove je charakteristicke komplexnosti a zamerenim se na tuto jeho vlastnost zacina ma diplomova prace. AutorCiny romany zobrazuji komplikovanost a rozporuplnost intimniho sveta lidskych vztahu, milostnych, rodinnych ci pfitelskych a jejich slozity pomer vuCi svetu vefejnemu, politickemu. To, co zpusobuje onu slozitost v ramci mezilidskych vztahu, je pfedevsim neschopnost komunikace s druhym, ktery je nejakjiny - bud'to barvou sve kuze, spolecenskym postavenim nebo kultumi odlisnosti. Sama Gordimerova prozitek teto odlisnosti dobfe zna. Jako bila intelektu:ilka-spisovatelka angafujici se v boji za dodrzovani zakladnich lidskych pray, jez dlouha leta zila v rasove rozdelene spolecnosti JiZni Afriky, se nemohla v pravem smyslu ztotoznit ani s jednou stranou konfliktu. Hodnoty vladnouci mensiny pro ni byly neakceptovatelne, avsak soucasti potlacovane vetSiny se, pro sve privilegovane postaveni, nikdy nemohla stat. Toto tema se ve velke mife zobrazuje v konfliktech a situacich, v kterych se ocitaji postavy jejich romanu. Nejinak tomuje i v knize, jezje pfedmetem teto prace. Hlavnim tematem romanu The Pickup (v ceskem pfekladu Poutnici) je odlisnost, jinakost a jeji pfivlastiiovani subjektem, ktera nas provazi celym pfibehem jak tematicky tak form:ilne. Jde tu 0 jinakost v intimnim vztahu dvou...cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe central metaphor that serves as a guide through the whole thesis is the notion of journey in its various forms. Before we start to analyze the novel itself it seems necessary to examine more closely what journey is and how it may be defined in the context of the novel. Be it journey as displacement or voluntary relocation, journeys are what defines character's existence that seems always somehow in flux, on the move or ready to move. The characters' world then becomes a mirror image of the world we are living in. While it is true that migration and movement has always been a part of our civilization, in the contemporary context of globalization, the world is, indisputably, in a constant state of flux. Our environment is constantly changing due to the great number of migrating people, exiles or refugees. Territorial security slowly vanishes from our milieu. And so is the novel a realm where, as we shall see where contingency becomes the law not only present in the movement and its circumstances, but in people themselves. The characters' trajectories produce a shape that is by no means seen as a mere background, static pattern that can be classified, it comes to dominate the novel and emerges as a space that is difficult to trace for it seems impossible to define. It forever changes, lacks linearity. To...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistikycs_CZ

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