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Trestající gynekologie v současném Rusku: utváření poslušných žen
dc.contributor.advisorSokolová, Věra
dc.creatorAndriukhina, Mariia
dc.description.abstractPunitive gynaecology is a set of healthcare-related attitudes and practices that aim to take control of a woman's body, sexuality and reproductive system in order to produce a reformed body. This thesis scrutinizes thephenomenonofpunitivegynaecology in modernRussia.Narrativeinquirywas conducted to provide an understanding of the ways punitive gynaecology works on the female body, restructures it and inscribes meanings. Autobiographical narratives are analysed and located within a wider socio- political context to concretize the dimensions of punitive practices in gynaecology. The main foci of analysis are the medical gaze, the spatial organization of the gynaecological clinic, pastoral power and agency in the gynaecological examination, the sexuality of the examination, the contingencies of shame, pain and embarrassment. The research uses a Foucauldian framework to uncover power relations permeating the doctor-patient interaction in the gynaecological examination. This thesis thus offers a reflectiononthepreferredmodes ofembodiment anddocilitythat punitivegynaecology attempts toinstil in its' subject. Keywords: punitive gynaecology, discipline, power, gaze, agency, body, hegemonic femininity, clinic, doctor-patient interaction, docilityen_US
dc.description.abstractPunitive gynaecology is a set of healthcare-related attitudes and practices that aim to take control of a woman's body, sexuality and reproductive system in order to produce a reformed body. This thesis scrutinizes thephenomenonofpunitivegynaecology in modernRussia.Narrativeinquirywas conducted to provide an understanding of the ways punitive gynaecology works on the female body, restructures it and inscribes meanings. Autobiographical narratives are analysed and located within a wider socio- political context to concretize the dimensions of punitive practices in gynaecology. The main foci of analysis are the medical gaze, the spatial organization of the gynaecological clinic, pastoral power and agency in the gynaecological examination, the sexuality of the examination, the contingencies of shame, pain and embarrassment. The research uses a Foucauldian framework to uncover power relations permeating the doctor-patient interaction in the gynaecological examination. This thesis thus offers a reflectiononthepreferredmodes ofembodiment anddocilitythat punitivegynaecology attempts toinstil in its' subject. Keywords: punitive gynaecology, discipline, power, gaze, agency, body, hegemonic femininity, clinic, doctor-patient interaction, docilitycs_CZ
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studiícs_CZ
dc.subjectpunitive gynaecologyen_US
dc.subjecthegemonic femininityen_US
dc.subjectgynaecological examinationen_US
dc.subjectpunitive gynaecologycs_CZ
dc.subjecthegemonic femininitycs_CZ
dc.subjectgynaecological examinationcs_CZ
dc.titlePunitive gynaecology in modern Russia: crafting the docile femaleen_US
dc.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
dc.description.departmentKatedra genderových studiícs_CZ
dc.description.departmentDepartment of Gender Studiesen_US
dc.description.facultyFaculty of Humanitiesen_US
dc.description.facultyFakulta humanitních studiícs_CZ
dc.title.translatedTrestající gynekologie v současném Rusku: utváření poslušných žencs_CZ
dc.contributor.refereeDvořáčková, Jana
thesis.degree.levelnavazující magisterskécs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineGenderová studiacs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplineGender Studiesen_US
thesis.degree.programHumanitní studiacs_CZ
uk.thesis.typediplomová prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csFakulta humanitních studií::Katedra genderových studiícs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enFaculty of Humanities::Department of Gender Studiesen_US
uk.faculty-name.csFakulta humanitních studiícs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enFaculty of Humanitiesen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csGenderová studiacs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enGender Studiesen_US
uk.degree-program.csHumanitní studiacs_CZ
uk.abstract.csPunitive gynaecology is a set of healthcare-related attitudes and practices that aim to take control of a woman's body, sexuality and reproductive system in order to produce a reformed body. This thesis scrutinizes thephenomenonofpunitivegynaecology in modernRussia.Narrativeinquirywas conducted to provide an understanding of the ways punitive gynaecology works on the female body, restructures it and inscribes meanings. Autobiographical narratives are analysed and located within a wider socio- political context to concretize the dimensions of punitive practices in gynaecology. The main foci of analysis are the medical gaze, the spatial organization of the gynaecological clinic, pastoral power and agency in the gynaecological examination, the sexuality of the examination, the contingencies of shame, pain and embarrassment. The research uses a Foucauldian framework to uncover power relations permeating the doctor-patient interaction in the gynaecological examination. This thesis thus offers a reflectiononthepreferredmodes ofembodiment anddocilitythat punitivegynaecology attempts toinstil in its' subject. Keywords: punitive gynaecology, discipline, power, gaze, agency, body, hegemonic femininity, clinic, doctor-patient interaction, docilitycs_CZ
uk.abstract.enPunitive gynaecology is a set of healthcare-related attitudes and practices that aim to take control of a woman's body, sexuality and reproductive system in order to produce a reformed body. This thesis scrutinizes thephenomenonofpunitivegynaecology in modernRussia.Narrativeinquirywas conducted to provide an understanding of the ways punitive gynaecology works on the female body, restructures it and inscribes meanings. Autobiographical narratives are analysed and located within a wider socio- political context to concretize the dimensions of punitive practices in gynaecology. The main foci of analysis are the medical gaze, the spatial organization of the gynaecological clinic, pastoral power and agency in the gynaecological examination, the sexuality of the examination, the contingencies of shame, pain and embarrassment. The research uses a Foucauldian framework to uncover power relations permeating the doctor-patient interaction in the gynaecological examination. This thesis thus offers a reflectiononthepreferredmodes ofembodiment anddocilitythat punitivegynaecology attempts toinstil in its' subject. Keywords: punitive gynaecology, discipline, power, gaze, agency, body, hegemonic femininity, clinic, doctor-patient interaction, docilityen_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií, Katedra genderových studiícs_CZ

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