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dc.contributor.authorBeran, Karel
dc.contributor.authorČech, Petr
dc.contributor.authorDvořák, Bohumil
dc.contributor.authorElischer, David
dc.contributor.authorHrádek, Jiří
dc.contributor.authorJaneček, Václav
dc.contributor.authorKühn, Zdeněk
dc.contributor.authorOndřejek, Pavel
dc.publisherWolters Kluwercs_CZ
dc.rightsWolters Kluwer ČR, a.s.; Beran, Čech, Dvořák, Elischer, Hrádek, Janeček, Kühn, Ondřejek; 2018cs
dc.subjectprávní jednánícs_CZ
dc.subjectprávnické osobycs_CZ
dc.subjectprávní odpovědnostcs_CZ
dc.subjectjuristic personen_US
dc.subjectartificial legal entityen_US
dc.subjectlegal agencyen_US
dc.subjectlegal acten_US
dc.subjectlegal conducten_US
dc.subjectrepresentatives of a juristic personen_US
dc.subjectfault-based liabilityen_US
dc.subjectno-fault liabilityen_US
dc.titleArtificial Legal Entities: Essays on Legal Agency and Liabilityen_US
uk.abstract.enThe monograph entitled "Artificial Legal Entities: Essays on Legal Agency and Liability" aims to answer the question of how juristic persons can perform legal acts (i.e. engage in legal conduct) and in what way they can potentially become legally liable (not only for their conduct). This is reflected in the structure of the monograph. Attention is first turned to the concept of a juristic person and the legal acts it makes from the viewpoint of the general legal doctrine, which then informs the view under constitutional law. Only then are legal acts analysed in terms of the law currently applicable in the Czech Republic, which conceives the bodies of a juristic person as its representatives. However, legal conduct comprises not only substantive, but also procedural acts within civil court proceedings, where the latter show significant deviations from the former and thus require separate considerations. The last group of issues pertain to liability (or responsibility) of a juristic person. Once a general explanation has been provided in terms of the juristic persons' capacity to bear liability, an answer can be sought to the question of what can be imputed to such persons on the grounds of "no-fault" and "fault-based" liability. Following the traditional concept of private-law liability of juristic persons, the monograph also introduces an alternative approach to legal liability (responsibility) of juristic persons based on the notion of "vicarious liability". The section dealing with liability then concludes with a chapter on juristic persons' liability for administrative offences. This structure and scheme of individual chapters is also reflected in their contents.en_US
oaire.fundingReference.awardNumberGrantová agentura ČR, reg. number 16-22016S.cs_CZ
oaire.fundingReference.fundingStreamPrávní jednání a odpovědnost právnických osobcs_CZ

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