Pokusy o ekumenické prístupy k Márii
Attempts of Ecumenical Approach to Mary
Pokusy o ekumenické přístupy k Marii
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [1555]
Bauerová, Kateřina
Faculty / Institute
Protestant Theological Faculty
Theology of Christian Traditions
Department of Systematic Theology
Date of defense
3. 9. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakultaLanguage
Very good
Bakalárska práca Pokusy o ekumenické prístupy k Márii sa zameriava na priblíženie troch rôznych prístupov v rozprávaní o Márii v historicky chronologickom slede a v rôznych kontextoch. Začína v šesťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia z pohľadu reformačnej tradície knihou Maxa Thuriana, brata z komunity Taizé, "Mária, matka Pána". Pokračuje knihou, publikovanou o dvadsať rokov neskôr, od dvoch brazílskych teologičiek Ivony Gebara a Marie Clary Bingemer, "Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the Poor", a to z perspektívy chudobných a žien Latinskej Ameriky. Výber uzatvára práca zo súčasnosti od frankofónnej ekumenickej skupiny Le Groupe des Dombes, "Mary in the plan of God and in the Communion of Saints", v ktorej predkladajú možné prístupy ku konverzii cirkví pri sporných otázkach vzťahujúcich sa k Márii. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
This Bachelor's thesis Attempts of ecumenical approaches towards Mary is focusing on approaching three different attempts to speak of Mary in an historically chronological order and in various contexts. It begins in the "sixties years" of the last century (from the point of view of the reform tradition) with a book by Max Thurian (a brother of Taizé community), called "Mary, Mother of God". It continues with a book published twenty years later by two female Brazilian theologians, Ivone Gebara and Maria Clara Bingemer, which is called "Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the Poor", written from the perspective of the poor and women of Latin America. The selection is brought to an end with a contemporary work from a francophone ecumenical group Le Groupe des Dombes, called "Mary in the plan of God and in the Communion of Saints", in which they propose feasible approaches towards the conversion of churches in disputed questions relating to Mary. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)