Hamartological Heuristics as a Hermeneutical Key to Justice, Mercy and the Moral Treatment of the Poor in the New Testament
Hamartiologická heuristika jako hermeneutický klíč ke spravedlnosti, milosrdenství a morální povinnosti vůči chudým v Novém Zákoně
dizertační práce (OBHÁJENO)
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Trvalý odkaz
SIS: 18470
- Kvalifikační práce [1555]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Macek, Petr
Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Fakulta / součást
Evangelická teologická fakulta
Systematická a praktická teologie
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra teologické etiky
Datum obhajoby
31. 3. 2008
Univerzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakultaJazyk
Evangelikalove maji vellcy zajem pomahat chudyrn.. Tato angazovanost vsak nenachazi jednotny teologicky pohled na rozsah moralni povinnosti -vericich k chudyrn. -ktera je zalozena spiSe na bazi spravedlnosti nez na bazi milosrdenstvi. Jadrem teto teologicke problematiky je neshoda -evidentni take ve fllosoficke sfefe -zdali spravedlnost ve sve podstate je zalozena na potfebe ci na vlastnictvi. Hlavnim ucelem teto disertace je umoznit hodnoceni teto zakladni problematiky na podklade biblickeho textu. Tohoto umyslu je dosazeno navrhem a aplikaci uzce specifickeho hermeneutickeho diskrimenu k textum Noveho zakona o moralnich povinnostech vi'ICi chudyrn.. Kapitola (1) identifikuje sifi tohoto usili. Kapitola (2) destiluje jadro teologickeho sporu, definuje princip rozliSeni a navrhuje ho jako prostfedek pro sjednoceni textu. Tato kapitola take slouzi jako prolegomenon k metodologickyrn. otazkam spjatjrn s touto Cinnosti. Kapitola (3) zkouma rozsililost chudoby tak, jak je pojata Novjm zakonem a pfedklada nekolik systemu zafazeni, jimiz mohou bjt texty rozliSeny. Kapitola (4) uvadi hamartiologicke charakteristiky navdeneho hermeneutickeho diskrimenu.[Kapitola (5) uplatimje tuto hermeneutickou metodologii na texty Noveho zakona a vyhodnocuje jadro teologickeho sporu. Tato kapitola dodatecne nabizi...
Evangelicals possess a great concern for helping the poor. This passion has not, however, translated into theological agreement concerning a believer's justice obligations unto the world's poor. At the core of this theological contention is the dissonance, mirrored within the philosophical discourse, over whether justice is ultimately needs based or ownership based. The main objective of this dissertation is to enable this core contention to be made evaluable on the basis of the biblical text. This aim is pursued via the proposal and application of a focused hermeneutical discrimen to the NT textual data concerning the moral treatment of the poor. Chapter 1 introduces the breadth of this endeavor. Chapter 2 isolates the core contention and identifies the resolution principle as the proposed means of data integration. This chapter also functions as a prolegomenon to the methodological challenges inherent in this pursuit. Chapter 3 investigates the domain of poverty, as it is delineated by the NT, and introduces several categorization frameworks by which the textual data may be differentiated. Chapter 4 outlines the hamartiological characteristics of the proposed hermeneutical discrimen. Chapter 5 applies the hermeneutical methodology to the NT data and evaluates the core contention in addition to...