GEOBIBLINE - plné texty
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GEOBIBLINE, nebo-li Geografická bibliografie ČR online (projekt MK ČR DC08P02OUK001), začala vznikat na základě vyhlášení programu Ministerstva kultury nazvaného "Zpřístupnění a ochrana kulturních, uměleckých a vědeckých zdrojů". Nápad vytvořit geografickou bibliografickou databázi mapující oborovou tvorbu 20. a 21. století se zrodil na půdě Knihovny geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze již v roce 2007. V témže roce byli také osloveni potenciální partneři projektu. Institucionální základnu projektu pak tvoří instituce, které se přihlásily ke spolupráci: Katedra geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem a Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně spolu s knihovnou Přírodovědecké fakulty MU. Původním záměrem bylo vytvoření bibliografické databáze geografických bohemik 20. a 21. století. Časový záběr rozšířen až k počátkům knihtisku (1450-) a k bibliografickým záznamům navíc začaly být připojovány plné texty. Tato sbírka obsahuje právě plné texty časopiseckých článků a monografií, jejichž záznamy jsou součástí této bibliografie.
The aim of the GEOBIBLINE database is to create and make accessible the 20th and 21st century geographical bibli.ography of Czechia. The database includes various geographical documents written by Czech authors and also by foreign authors when they are dealing with geographical issues of Czechia. The aim is to develop a geographic bibliography for a virtual research environment and for the cooperation of geographic libraries. In this way, we strive to make cultural resources easily available not only to university students but also to the general public. This repository collection consists of the fulltexts of journal articles and monographs collected as a part of of the geographical bibliography of Czechia.
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Thomas Robert Malthus :(1766-1834)
(2016)Thomas Robert Malthus was born into a wealthy intellectual family in 1766. Malthus tried to discover the reasons for great changes in economic, social and demographic development and he saw them in the overly rapid pace ... -
Population development in the Czech Republic in 2015
(2016)The article describes the demographic situation in the Czech Republic in 2015 and sets it in the context of demographic trends in the past decade. The study analyses the development of individual components of population ... -
Imaginativní geografie subsaharské Afriky v českém prostředí :nástin problematiky
(2017)This article provides an outline of imaginative geographies of Sub-Saharan Africa that can be found in Czech society. It is based on a qualitative analysis of interviews with Czech men and women regarding the respondents’ ... -
Efekt listového opadu při formování korytové morfologie step-pool vysokogradientových toků v Moravskoslezských Beskydech
(2017)Channel morphology step-pool represents a morphodynamic complex influenced by large woody debris and litter-fall. The aim of this paper is to determine the impact of litter-fall on the channel morphology step-pool. General ... -
Biogeografický model změn klimatických podmínek vegetační stupňovitosi v Česku
(2017)The paper demonstrates the results of a biogeographic model of climatic conditions of vegetation zones in the landscape of Czechia. The model uses climatological prediction data of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute ... -
Evaluation of human impact on valley bottom sedimentation in Highlands :case study from Česká Bělá, Czechia
(2017)The formation processes of small valleys and long-term anthropogenic impact on its sedimentary archives may be studied by GIS, sedimentology and investigation into spatial and vertical geochemical characteristics in the ... -
Migration plans of the international PhD students
(2017)Within the concept of transnationalism and global development, migration decisions of international students play a vital role. This article draws on 21 in-depth interviews with PhD students coming from 16 different countries ... -
Maximum temperatures over Slovenia and their relationship with athmospheric circulation patterns
(2017)This paper examines temporal and spatial patterns of annual and seasonal maximum temperatures (Tmax) in Slovenia and their relationship with atmospheric circulation patterns. A significant increase in maximum temperature ... -
Feministické geografie náboženství :křesťanství v každodenním životě mladých žen
(2016)Religion influences people’s everyday life, including the way they structure their families, and relationships between men and women in general. Religious adherents tend to hold more traditional and even gender-stereotypical ... -
Lokálne ekonomické vplyvy veľkých športových udalostí:prípadová štúdia MS 2011 v ľadovom hokeji v Bratislave
(2016)Hosting major sporting events has become an important instrument that brings new impulses for urban and regional development. There is a range of positive and negative impacts in the economic, social, political, and cultural ... -
Metropolizace a regionální vývoj v Česku v transformačním období
(2016)Roughly 60% of the population of the state and almost 70% of its economy are concentrated in metropolitan areas. Fundamental social changes after 1989 encouraged an increase in their development dynamism, but also deepened ... -
Socially excluded localities revisited
(2016)This contribution critically assesses the use of the term “socially excluded (Roma) locality” in politics and in the practice of the Czech public policy towards the situation of the Roma minority. The paper first offers ... -
Spatial patterns of recent demographic trends in Serbia (1961-2010)
(2016)This study considers the spatial and temporal dimensions of demographic trends in Serbia between 1961 and 2010. Using appropriate spatial autocorrelation statistics, spatial patterns of common demographic indicators including ... -
Variability of snow cover and frost depth at the Potsdam station, Germany
(2016)The presented paper examines variability of characteristics of snow cover (snow cover depth, number of days with snow cover and dates of beginning and end of snow cover) and frost depth in Potsdam. The study makes use of ... -
Je planeta Země už plná?
(2017) -
Sociální politika a sociální systém
(2017) -
Population :2016, ročník 71, číslo 3
(2017) -
Population :2016, ročník 71, číslo 2
(2017) -
Vzpomínka na PhDr. Milana Aleše
(2017) -
Zemřel Ivo Možný
(2016) -
Rozhovor s Pavlou Horskou
(2017) -
Z České demografické společnosti
(2017) -
Modelování úmrtnosti ve vysokých věcích v České republice s využitím kohortních dat ze sousedních zemí =Modelling the mortality of older people in the Czech republic based on cohort data from surrounding countries
(2017)The article presents one possible way in which to reduce uncertainty in modelling the mortality of older age groups. The lack of reliable data is usually one of the most important problems of old-age mortality modelling. ... -
Kvalitativní faktory stárnutí populace =The qualitative factors of population ageing
(2017)Although the ageing of the population has become a much discussed issue in the Czech Republic, these discussions are often limited to the quantitative consequences of population ageing for the economy. However, the impacts ... -
Změny v čerpání rodičovského příspěvku v demografických souvislostech =Changes in parental allowance take-up in a demographic context
(2017)The article analyses data on parental allowance recipients in the last 15 years, during which eligibility criteria and the system of payments considerably changed. It points out changes in the structure of recipients in ... -
Důsledky změn věkové struktury obyvatelstva na vývoj nákladů na poskytování zdravotní péče =The effects of changes in the population age structure on the costs of providing health care
(2017)This paper attempts to quantify the effects of changes in the population age structure on the costs of healthinsurance companies for the provision of health care. Based on a population projection for the Czech Republic and ... -
Barriers in functioning of Czech geoparks in the context of different circumstances =Bariéry v rozvoji českých geoparků v kontextu různých okolností
(2016)The article focuses on geoparks as areas with a specific form of local heritage protection. It contributes to a research into two interconnected fields: firstly, the research into local people’s participation in local ... -
Spatial differentiation and fertility postponement transition in Czechia =Prostorová diferenciace transformace plodnosti Česku v důsledku procesu odkládání
(2016)Over the last quarter of a century female fertility in Czechia has undergone dynamic and dramatic change. One of the main indications of this is the postponement of births and associated fertility ageing. This article ... -
Factors of formation and development of supraglacial lakes and their quantification :a review = Faktory vzniku a vývoje supraglaciálních jezer a jejich kvantifikace : rešerše
(2016)Supraglacial lakes greatly affect the rate of glacier ablation and a potentially dangerous (GLOF - Glacier lake outburst flood) proglacial lake often forms through their development. The main part of the paper recapitulates ... -
Evaluation of the hydroclimatic extremes in the upper Hron River basin :Slovakia = Hodnocení výskytu hydroklimatických extrémů : Slovakia
(2016)This paper deals with the occurrence of hydroclimatic extremes in the upper Hron River basin in Slovakia in 1951/61-2010. Select trends in hydroclimatic parameters in 1931/61-2010 are also studied. Emphasis is placed on ... -
Region in its complexity :a discussion on constructivist approaches = Region ve své komplexitě : diskuse konstruktivistického přístupu
(2016)The contemporary regional geography paradigm is characterized by emphasizing the socially constructed nature of regions. However, the discussion on the conceptualization of region is very rich, it does not reach universal ... -
Temporal analysis of GLOFs in high-mountain regions of Asia and assessment of their causes =Časová analýza GLOF událostí ve vysokohorských oblastech Asie a zhodnocení jejich příčin
(2016)Glacial lake outburst flood (or shortly GLOF) has become a well-known phenomenon, one of natural hazards occurring in glaciated high mountain areas of the world. The aim of this study was to investigate temporal distribution ... -
Tick-born encephalitis risk assessment based on satellite data =Stanovení míry rizika nákazy klíšťové encefalitidy pomocí metod DPZ
(2016)Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) belongs among the dangerous vector-borne diseases. The number of TBE incidences has been permanently increasing in various geographical regions, including the Czech Republic. The presence of ... -
Accessibility of diabetes care in the Czech Republic =Dostupnost diabetologické péče v České republice
(2016)Diabetes mellitus is a life-threatening disease, characterised by increased levels of sugar in the blood. In recent years, the incidence of diabetes has increased markedly and it is a lifestyle disease that is not only a ... -
Evaluation of land cover changes and Black locust occurrence in agricultural landscape :case study : Podolie and Častkovce cadastral areas : Slovakia
(2016)This study presents spatial analysis of agricultural landscape changes in the Podolie and Častkovce cadastral areas since 1949. Data for analysis was obtained from historical aerial photographs (from 1949, 1986 and 2006), ... -
The role of social capital in economic performance of the ukrainian entrepreneurs in Czechia =Role sociálního kapitálu v ekonomické aktivitě ukrajinských podnikatelů v Česku
(2016)This article presents the concept of social capital and highlights its use in the economic performance of Ukrainian entrepreneurs in Czechia. The social capital stands as one of the important resources, which can be used ... -
NATO Geospatial Board 2016
(2016) -
Konference GIS Esri
(2016) -
Kanadské jaro
(2016) -
Jednání DGIWG VMST & HG v Praze
(2016) -
Zasedání pracovní skupiny CEMDE
(2016) -
Návštěva ministra obrany ve VGHMÚř
(2016) -
Gruzínská návštěva u GeoSl AČR
(2016) -
Otakar Skoupý
(2016) -
Future forces forum
(2016) -
Zdeněk Jílek
(2016) -
Jiří Černík
(2016) -
Jaroslav Dvořák
(2016) -
Odborná praxe studentů na Polomu
(2016) -
Cwic :2016
(2016) -
Arrcade globe
(2016) -
Geografická účast ve Vrběticích
(2016) -
Vladimír Zmeškal
(2016) -
Karel Vítek
(2016) -
Josef Sýkora
(2016) -
Jaromír Slanina
(2016) -
Ladislav Musil
(2016) -
Stanislav Kvasnička
(2016) -
Jaroslav Koblížek
(2016) -
Jozef Karniš