GEOBIBLINE - plné texty
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GEOBIBLINE, nebo-li Geografická bibliografie ČR online (projekt MK ČR DC08P02OUK001), začala vznikat na základě vyhlášení programu Ministerstva kultury nazvaného "Zpřístupnění a ochrana kulturních, uměleckých a vědeckých zdrojů". Nápad vytvořit geografickou bibliografickou databázi mapující oborovou tvorbu 20. a 21. století se zrodil na půdě Knihovny geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze již v roce 2007. V témže roce byli také osloveni potenciální partneři projektu. Institucionální základnu projektu pak tvoří instituce, které se přihlásily ke spolupráci: Katedra geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem a Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně spolu s knihovnou Přírodovědecké fakulty MU. Původním záměrem bylo vytvoření bibliografické databáze geografických bohemik 20. a 21. století. Časový záběr rozšířen až k počátkům knihtisku (1450-) a k bibliografickým záznamům navíc začaly být připojovány plné texty. Tato sbírka obsahuje právě plné texty časopiseckých článků a monografií, jejichž záznamy jsou součástí této bibliografie.
The aim of the GEOBIBLINE database is to create and make accessible the 20th and 21st century geographical bibli.ography of Czechia. The database includes various geographical documents written by Czech authors and also by foreign authors when they are dealing with geographical issues of Czechia. The aim is to develop a geographic bibliography for a virtual research environment and for the cooperation of geographic libraries. In this way, we strive to make cultural resources easily available not only to university students but also to the general public. This repository collection consists of the fulltexts of journal articles and monographs collected as a part of of the geographical bibliography of Czechia.
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Mobilita mezi zaměstnaností a nezaměstnaností u starších pracovníků v ČR =Transitions between employment and unemployment among older workers in the Czech republic
(2016)There is a sharp discrepancy between the emphasis being placed on active ageing and labour market participation in older age and the high unemployment rates observed among older workers. Cross-sectional data in the Czech ... -
Soužití v městské čtvrti :majorita a Vietnamci v Praze-Libuši = Living together in an urban neighbourhood : the majority and Vietnamese immigrants in Prague-Libuš
(2016)This article contributes to the discussion of everyday interactions between a settled majority population and new immigrants in an urban neighbourhood with recent experience of immigration. It analyses daily interactions ... -
Genderové aspekty rozvodovosti :Co může studium rozvodu nabídnout teoreticky zaměřené sociologii rodiny? = Gender aspects of divorce : how the study of divorce can contribute to theoretical approaches to the sociology of the family
(2016)This review article maps a specifi c area of divorce research, which is important, but almost uncited in Czech sociology of the family: the connection between divorce and gender. It shows that although the concept of gender ... -
The efficiency of areal units in spatial analysis :assessing the performance of functional and administrative regions
(2016)An attempt to provide a procedure for the assessment of the efficiency of various regional systems for the purposes of spatial analysis is presented in this paper. Functional regions as well as approximated functional ... -
Functional regions in gravity models and accessibility measures
(2016)Accessibility measures are useful for studies in Economic Geography. For example, accessibility to potential customers can be used in a study of firm behaviour. In such a study, it would be relevant to consider where ... -
A functional interaction approach to the definition of meso regions :the case of the Czech Republic
(2016)The definition of functional meso regions for the territory of the Czech Republic is articulated in this article. Functional regions reflect horizontal interactions in space and are presented as a useful tool for various ... -
Intramax and other objective functions :the case of Slovenia
(2016)The use of different objective functions in hierarchical aggregation procedures is examined in this paper. Specifically, we analyse the use of the original Intramax objective function, the sum-of-flows objective function, ... -
Delineating zones to increase geographical detail in individual response data files :an application to the Spanish 2011 Census of population
(2016)Due to confidentiality considerations, the microdata available from the 2011 Spanish Census have been codified at a provincial (NUTS 3) level except when the municipal (LAU 2) population exceeds 20,000 inhabitants (a ... -
Conceptualising patterns of spatial flows :five decades of advances in the definition and use of functional regions
(2016)Some fifty years in the development of ideas about the definition and use of functional regions are elaborated in this article, as an introduction to this Special Issue of the Moravian Geographical Reports. The conceptual ... -
Teenage overweight and obesity :a pilot study of obesogenic and obesoprotective environments in the Czech Republic
(2016)Child overweight and obesity represent a serious health problem worldwide. The Czech Republic now ranks the fourth most obese country in Europe and obesity and overweight is becoming more and more frequent in children and ... -
Changes in climate and changing climate regions in Slovakia
(2015)In the context of climate change, scientists discuss the relevant reference periods for the assessment of changes in climate. Recently, many studies have been published comparing recent conditions with the last reference ... -
Some dilemmas of post-industrialism in a region of traditional industry :the case of the Katowice conurbation, Poland
(2016)The problem of using the concept of post-industrialism to define regions with traditional industries is addressed in this article. It focuses on the diversity of industrial development in the Katowice conurbation (Poland) ... -
Are there differences in the attractiveness of shopping centres? :experiences from the Czech and Slovak Republics
(2016)The measurement and evaluation of the attractiveness of shopping centres in the Czech and the Slovak Republics is examined in this paper, countries which had experienced seventy years of development within a single state. ... -
Distance matters :assessing socioeconomic impacts of the Dukovany nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic : local perceptions and statistical evidence
(2016)The effect of geographical distance on the extent of socioeconomic impacts of the Dukovany nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic is assessed by combining two different research approaches. First, we survey how people ... -
European territorial cohesion policies :parallels to socialist central planning?
(2016)Contemporary EU territorial cohesion policy presents some striking reminders of features of socialist central planning. The objective of socio-spatial solidarity aimed at balanced spatial development is a core principle ... -
The changing role of migration and natural increase in suburban populkation growth :the case of a non-capital post-socialist city (The Krakow Metropolitan Area, Poland)
(2015)The evolution of population distributions in the Krakow Metropolitan Area (KMA) in Poland is subject analysis in this contribution. Changes and recent reversals in the relationships between the main components of total ... -
Creative industries in the capital cities of the Baltic states :are there innovations in urban policy?
(2015)The transformation of urban policy, resulting from 'creative industries' policy developments, is explored in this article, with respect to the Baltic capitals. Policy initiatives in the creative industries in Central and ... -
The reurbanisation concept and its utility for contemporary research on post-socialist cities :the case of the Czech Republic
(2015)The concept of reurbanisation is discussed in this article from theoretical and methodological perspectives. Reurbanisation has been defined as one of the stages of urban development recently, but it is also tied to processes ... -
Planning post-summurbia :from spontaneous pragmatism to collaborative planning?
(2015)The possibilities to apply collaborative planning frameworks in formerly strictly planned areas that have experienced spontaneous transformations since the demise of the Soviet Union are examined in this paper. The enquiry ... -
Carbon dioxide emissions embodied in international trade in Central Europe between 1995 and 2008
(2015)Climate change and environmental policies are widely discussed, but much less is known about emissions embodied in goods traded internationally, and the distinction between emission producers and consumers. The carbon ... -
Labour productivity of agricultural business companies and cooperatives in the Czech Republic :a micro-regional level analysis
(2015)Drawing on empirical evidence from the Czech Republic, differences in agricultural labour productivity at the micro-regional level are examined. The role of geographical factors: natural conditions, landscape fragmentation, ... -
Population :2016, ročník 71, číslo 1
(2016) -
Population :2015, ročník 70, číslo 4
(2016) -
The effects of the 1996-2012 summer heat events on human mortality in Slovakia
(2015)The impacts of summer heat events on the mortality of the Slovak population, both in total and for selected population sub-groups, are the foci of this study. This research is the first of its kind, focusing on a given ... -
The role of ecosystem services in climate and air quality in urban areas :evaluating carbon sequestration and air pollution removal by street and park trees in Szeged (Hungary)
(2015)The evaluation of ecosystem services can provide essential help in incorporatating the multifunctionality of urban ecosystems in planning and management processes. Two important regulating services of urban trees, carbon ... -
Smart tools of urban climate evaluation for smart spatial planning
(2015)Air temperature and humidity conditions were monitored in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, by a network of meteorological stations. Meteorological sensors were placed across a representative variety of urban and suburban ... -
Konferencia SMTDA 2016
(2016) -
Spatial variations in nitrogen dioxide concentrations in urban Ljubljana, Slovenia
(2015)Ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations are regularly measured at only two monitoring stations in the city centre of Ljubljana, and such scanty data are inadequate for drawing conclusions about spatial patterns of ... -
Zemřela Janina Józwiak
(2016) -
Long-term air temperature changes in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in comparison to Trieste (Italy) and Zagreb (Croatia)
(2015)The cities of Ljubljana, Trieste and Zagreb are proximate in terms of distance but differ in terms of geographic and climatic conditions. Continuous meteorological measurements in these cities began in the mid-19th century. ... -
The spatial variability of air temperature and nocturnal urban heat island intensity in the city of Brno, Czech Republic
(2015)This study seeks to quantify the effects of a number of factors on the nocturnal air temperature field in a medium-sized central European city located in complex terrain. The main data sources consist of mobile air temperature ... -
A universal meteorological method to identify potential risk of wind erosion on heavy-textured soils
(2015)The climate of Central Europe, mainly winter seasons with no snow cover at lower altitudes and a spring drought as well, might cause erosion events on heavy-textured soils. The aim of this paper is to define a universal ... -
Modification of the potential production capabilities of agricultural terrace soils due to historical cultivation in the Budina cadastral area, Slovakia
(2015)The soil production attributes of historical agrarian terraced fields were examined in the Budina cadastral area of the Ostrozky Mountains. This landscape represents a unique sub-mountainous Carpathian landscape with farms ... -
Socio-economic changes in the borderlands of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries
(2015)Under the influence of globalization and state integration processes, the importance of a border as a barrier is gradually decreasing. Borderlands are still perceived as specific phenomena, however, not only in terms of ... -
Potential geo-ecological impacts of the proposed Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal on alluvial landscapes in the Czech Republic
(2015)The project of a canal connecting the three major Central European Rivers: the Danube, Oder and Elbe, is incorporated into a planned trans-European transport network system. Geographically, the course of the planned canal ... -
Merging diaries and GPS records :the method of data collection for spatio-temporal research
(2015)The results of a 'proof-of-concept' study that examined a new opportunity for using GPS technology in activity surveys are presented in this article. The aim is to demonstrate the method of collection and processing of ... -
Religion and gender inequality :the status of woman in the societies of world religions
(2015)The status of women in society is very diverse worldwide. Among many important traits associated with the differentiation of gender inequality is religion, which itself must be regarded as a fluid concept with interpretations ... -
The distribution of selected CORINE land cover classes in different natural landscapes in Slovakia :methodological framework and applications
(2015)The distribution of selected CORINE land cover classes in different physical conditions was subject to modelling, analysis and evaluation in this article. In three regions with different geo-relief, the occurrence of land ... -
Transformations of spatial relationships in elementary education :a case study of changes in two Czech rural areas since the second half of the 20th century
(2015)Transformations in the spatial organization of elementary education in the Czech Republic over the last 50 years are examined in this article, via case studies of two rural regions (Turnov district and Zábřeh strict). The ... -
The development of regional differentiation of office construction in the Czech Republic: 1990-2010
(2015)The factors that were crucial for the construction of administrative buildings in the regional capitals of the Czech Republic are subject to examination in this article. One primary question is whether the development of ... -
Postarat se ve stáří
(2016) -
Co je nového ve vzdělávání?
(2016) -
Symmetry or asymmetry? Cross-border openness of service providers in Polish-Czech and Polish-German border towns
(2015)The symmetry and/or asymmetry in terms of cross-border openness of service providers is examined in article, for the cases of two border twin towns: Cieszyn/Český Těšín at the Polish-Czech border, and Gubin/Guben at the ... -
The impact of selected planned motorways and expressways on the potential accessibility of the Polish-Slovak borderland with respect to tourism development
(2015)Further tourism development in the Polish-Slovak borderland, as well as its overall economic development, depends on the construction of a motorway and expressway network. This paper analyses the impact of selected planned ... -
Ženy v rodinných domácnostech s dětmi a jejich postavení na trhu práce v kontextu vývoje po roce 1989 =Women in family households with children and their position in the labour market in the context of development since 1989
(2016)The period since 1989 in the Czech Republic has been characterised by significant changes in demographic behaviour that affect household structure. The postponement of entry into a partner household combined with a decline ... -
Transformácia sobášnosti slobodných v Českej a Slovenskej republike v prierezovom a kohortnom pohľade =The transformation of nuptiality of single persons in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in a transversal and a cohort perspective
(2016)The apparent decline in first-marriage rates and the dynamic increase in the mean age at first marriage in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic has been described as one of the great reproduction changes in the last ... -
Analýza vztahu náboženského vyznání a plodnosti ve sčítání lidu 2011 :(se zařazením vlivu dalších proměnných) = An analysis of the relationship between religious belief and fertility in the 2011 census : (including the influence of other variables)
(2016)The article explores the relationship between the number of live-born children women have and the women’s religious affiliation based on 2011 Census data. First, it describes how religious groups differ according to the ... -
Determinanty nevyplnění údajů o otci do hlášení o narození =The determinants of missing data fathers in birth reports
(2016)The article deals with statistics relating to the data on live-born children´s fathers and whether the fathers are or are not listed on the statistical birth report if the child is born outside marriage. It evaluates the ... -
Sémantická mapa :příklad Ústí nad Orlicí
(2016)The paper presents a method of creating a semantic map which follows up the tradition of mental mapping. The first step in the construction of a semantic map is a spatial definition of the shared image of a place/town. The ... -
Geografie pivovarnictví :vývoj prostorového rozdělení českého pivního trhu po roce 1989
(2016)Much of the current research in economic geography focuses on spatial distribution of industries and their market competition. As the data about localization are relatively easily accessible, empirical studies are often ... -
Koherence české migrační a rozvojové politiky na začátku ekonomické recese (2008-2010)
(2016)This article presents an analysis of the coherence between Czech migration and development policy and the key instruments used in each of these policies at the beginning of the economic crisis lasting from 2008 to 2010. ... -
Je druhý demografický přechod stále relevantní koncept pro evropské státy?
(2016)The theory of second demographic transition is particularly unique in trying to capture both the transformation of reproductive behaviour and a change in the attitudes towards new forms of partnership life and a new ... -
Remotely-piloted aerial system for photogrammetry :orthoimage generation for mapping applications
(2016)Recently the tendency of replacing aircraft by light, simple, cheap unmanned aerial vehicles for the purposes of updating the field of aerial photogrammetry has been observed. The article deals with the issues of project ... -
Změny struktury krajiny v oblasti soutoku Moravy a Dyje
(2016)The area at the confluence of the Morava and Dyje Rivers is one of the biologically most diverse landscapes of Czechia. This paper focuses on its land use/land cover changes, obtained from aerial photographs from 1938, ... -
Sportovní hvězda jako výsledek akumulace sportovního kapitálu =Sports stars as accumulations of sporting capital
(2016)The article describes how exceptional athletes become sports stars. Unlike most sociological papers, its target is the locally situated sporting subculture, only partly professionalised and medialised, examined in the ... -
Some thoughts on the open letter
(2016) -
The European sociology we want
(2016) -
Claus Offe :Europe entrapped
(2016) -
Civic participation and gender beliefs :an analysis of 46 countries
(2016)Gender equality has progressed a great deal in recent decades in response to modernisation, industrialisation, and the generally rising level of education. A transformation in gender beliefs has accompanied the progress ... -
Social determinants of suicides in the Czech republic between 1995 and 2010
(2016)The text is concerned with suicides in the Czech Republic. It seeks to determine which social variables, and to what extent, have affected suicidal behaviour since 1989. The authors draw on Durkheim’s theory that society ... -
The politics of the academic agora
(2016) -
Where are the effects of family structure? :the educational level : current partnership and income level of the Czech adult population socialised in single-parent families
(2016)The article addresses the differential recruitment advantages of individual candidates in regional assembly elections. The authors argue that in a multi-level polity different types of incumbency exist that are refl ected ...