GEOBIBLINE - plné texty
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GEOBIBLINE, nebo-li Geografická bibliografie ČR online (projekt MK ČR DC08P02OUK001), začala vznikat na základě vyhlášení programu Ministerstva kultury nazvaného "Zpřístupnění a ochrana kulturních, uměleckých a vědeckých zdrojů". Nápad vytvořit geografickou bibliografickou databázi mapující oborovou tvorbu 20. a 21. století se zrodil na půdě Knihovny geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze již v roce 2007. V témže roce byli také osloveni potenciální partneři projektu. Institucionální základnu projektu pak tvoří instituce, které se přihlásily ke spolupráci: Katedra geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem a Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně spolu s knihovnou Přírodovědecké fakulty MU. Původním záměrem bylo vytvoření bibliografické databáze geografických bohemik 20. a 21. století. Časový záběr rozšířen až k počátkům knihtisku (1450-) a k bibliografickým záznamům navíc začaly být připojovány plné texty. Tato sbírka obsahuje právě plné texty časopiseckých článků a monografií, jejichž záznamy jsou součástí této bibliografie.
The aim of the GEOBIBLINE database is to create and make accessible the 20th and 21st century geographical bibli.ography of Czechia. The database includes various geographical documents written by Czech authors and also by foreign authors when they are dealing with geographical issues of Czechia. The aim is to develop a geographic bibliography for a virtual research environment and for the cooperation of geographic libraries. In this way, we strive to make cultural resources easily available not only to university students but also to the general public. This repository collection consists of the fulltexts of journal articles and monographs collected as a part of of the geographical bibliography of Czechia.
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Zobrazují se záznamy 1501-1600 z 10555
Význam a obsah prarodičovské role u mladých českých seniorů a seniorek =The meaning and performance of the grandparenting role among young old Czechs
(2015)In the discourse of active ageing it is assumed that young seniors will hold active roles in public and private life. This article examines grandparenting as an emerging role of young olds in the context of their heterogeneous ... -
Můžeš prostě říct, že máš babičku :vietnamské děti : české babičky a význam prarodičovství v jejich biografiích = That’s the lady I call grandma! : vietnamese children : czech grandmothers and the meaning of grandparenthood in the biographies of both
(2015)Vietnamese immigrant parents in the Czech Republic often hire Czech nannies for their children. The nannies are usually recently retired women who welcome the opportunity for daily (paid) activity. Close daily contact ... -
Být dobrou babičkou :normativní očekávání spojená s rolí babičky v současné české rodině = Being a good grandmother’ : the normative expectations attached to the role of grandmother in czech families today
(2015)This article focuses on two generations of women in the Czech Republic who are currently mothers or grandmothers of young children. Based on interviews that were carried out with 20 mothers and 20 grandmothers of children ... -
Proč rozvedení dědečkové pečují méně často o svá vnoučata? =Why divorced grandfathers provide grandchild care less often than married grandfathers?
(2015)Grandparents are becoming increasingly important fi gures in the lives of their grandchildren and are often in the position of care providers. However, divorced grandparents and grandfathers in particular are less likely ... -
Jakou olympiádu potřebuje geografie?
(2016) -
Subjektivní zdraví a jeho sociálně-prostorová podmíněnost :případová studie bydlení seniorské populace města Brna
(2015)The processes of population ageing are of major importance in the present-day social and economic research. Regarding the elderly population and its specific needs, the concept of active and healthy ageing as a comprehensive ... -
Délka života, zdraví a postoje v Evropské unii
(2015)The contribution addresses three fields of investigation: mortality, health, and attitudes in the countries of EU28, Norway and Iceland. The data of EUROSTAT and EUROBAROMETER 378 were analyzed. In 2011, life expectancy ... -
Koncentrační, či dekoncentrační procesy? :faktory ovlivňující vnitřní migraci imigrantů v Česku
(2015)The distribution of foreigners is becoming an essential part of socio-geographical differentiation of Czechia. In addition to international migration, the spatial distribution patterns of non-natives are further modified ... -
Europeana sata model in GIS for movable heritage
(2015)The paper proposes to use European resources in GIS as a set of multi-spatial objects with semantic relations to the space. It improves the analysis and visualization of geographic or contextual associations between various ... -
Geopolitické představy české veřejnosti
(2015)This article analyses geographical and geopolitical ideas of the Czech public. Geographical ideas have become one of the basic conceptual instruments of contemporary human geography for the research into the influence of ... -
New facts about old maps of the territory of the former Czechoslovakia
(2015)The authors have searched the archives for information concerning the large-scale mapping of Czechoslovakia in the period 1921-1950, when the improvement and updating of older maps inherited from the Austro-Hungarian ... -
Fuzzy přístup při určování příslušnosti obcí do venkovského a městského prostoru
(2016)Due to the ongoing changes in settlement, it is becoming increasingly difficult to properly define rural and urban areas in Czechia. This delimitation problem has been intensively studied in Europe, including Czechia, for ... -
Memorial crosses in Poland :a commonplace and contested element of public roads
(2015)The aim of the paper is to show spatial regularity of roadside memorialisation as well as public opinions on the phenomenon in Poland. Field studies covering 623 kilometres of public roads showed that out of 100 roadside ... -
Impacts of hydrometeorological extremes in the Bohemian-Moravian highlands in 1706-1889 as derived from taxation records
(2015)Taxation records related to tax relief for farmers whose livelihoods were affected by hydrometeorological extremes (HMEs) on seven estates in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Moravia) in the 1706-1889 period are used to ... -
Evangelické hřbitovy v Česku :nekrogeografická perspektiva
(2016)The article introduces the field of necrogeography to Czech social geography and provides information on existing (nationwide) data sources. The author takes the issue of Protestant confessional cemeteries as an example, ... -
Globálne vývojové rysy demografickej reprodukcie vo svetle teórie štádií
(2016)The main objective of the study is to verify and discover the relationship between the global character of human development and the development of demographic reproduction. In the paper we use the dataset of 194 countries ... -
Antropogenní impakt a jeho odezva v morfologii koryt beskydských štěrkonosných toků :příkladová studie řeky Ostravice, Česko
(2016)This paper presents an analysis of both the contemporary and historic development of the geomorphic regime of the Ostravice River channel in the Czech part of the Outer Western Carpathians. The assessment concentrates on ... -
Anomálie teploty vzduchu na území Česka
(2016)Air temperature extremes and temperature records in various places are favorite topics of the mass media. The study of spatial distribution of temperature anomalies is an important part of regional climatology and physical ... -
Snow cover and its variability in the Polish Sudetes Mts. and the Sudetic Foreland
(2016)The paper presents the snow cover characteristics in the vertical profile of the Polish Sudetes Mountains and their foreland during the period of 1965/66-2007/08. The analysis was based on the number of days with snow cover ... -
Improvement in physical river habitat quality in response to river restoration measures
(2016)The main goal of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that application of appropriate restoration measures can lead to an improvement in river habitat quality and to achieve good hydromorphological conditions within the ... -
A multi-factor model developed on residents' opinions for the classification of urban residential areas
(2016)The process of social differentiation in post-communist states has had a clear impact on the status of neighbourhoods. Municipalities have tried to handle the problem, but planning in Hungary is still based on shallow ... -
Zasedání Technical Management Panel
(2015) -
Tenisový turnaj SENIOR GEO CUP 2015
(2015) -
(2015) -
Výstava Klaudyánovy mapy v Dobrušce
(2015) -
Martin Pisár
(2015) -
Josef Šmíd
(2015) -
Igor Šimon
(2015) -
Jiří Víšek
(2015) -
Bedřich Pilát
(2015) -
Antonín Dobrovolný
(2015) -
Rychlá geografická informace
(2015) -
František Čapek
(2015) -
Islámský stát =The Islamic state
(2016) -
Strukturní půdy =Patterned ground
(2015) -
2. zasedání pracovní skupiny JGSWG
(2015) -
Plenární zasedání MGCP v Paříži
(2015) -
Kurz NAV-GNSS při IANS Lucembursko
(2015) -
Konference GIS ESRI ČR
(2015) -
Setkání geografů v Dobrušce
(2015) -
Krajina v zrcadle času
(2015) -
Rudolf Tóth