Hydrosynoptic approaches for indentification of flood mechanisms
Příspěvek v časopisu
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- GEOBIBLINE - plné texty [10555]
Datum vydání
2001Klíčová slova (anglicky)
hydrosynoptické přístupy, hydrosynoptic analysis, seasonality, categorization of flood waves, povodňové vlny, sezónní povodněThe paper discusses possibilities and problems related to application of hydrosynoptic approaches for 1100d protection in the Czech Republic. The examples presented are based on data from sub-basins of the Czech Bbe River. The mechanism of genesis of extreme 1100ds is anaIysed within a framework of an integraI complex system of: (1) circulation conditions ofthe atmosphere, (2) dynamics and areaI distribution of induced precipitation fields, and (3) the relevant runoff response. The physicaI-geographic variability of the selected river basins is a reason for their varying sensibility to various types of circulation pattem, that are able to generate a 11000. By this, physicaIly realistic possibilities aIso vary in terms of the lead-time of l100d waming across the basins. It can be confirmed aIso by the results of seasonaI anaIysis of occurrence of 1100ds and their peak discharges in the selected river basins. In the conclusions, a hydrosynoptic categorisation of 1100d waves in relation to the generating atmospheric factors is presented.