The Potential of cultural events in the peripheral rural Jesenicko region
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2012Peripheral rural regions are looking for new development strategies in the face of interregional competition for qualified labour, tourists and better image. Rural areas usually suffer from a number of socio-economic problems such as depopulation, ageing and negative educational structure. This article deals with the analysis of selected soft factor, cultural offer and its institutional arrangements and a possible impact on the socio-economic development of the peripheral rural Jesenicko Region. It is argued that culture economy approach to rural development is in line with the emerging theory that development activity of peripheral rural regions consists of both endogenous and exogenous forces using new forms of governance. The description of the types of actors and their interrelationships is the starting point for understanding and evaluating the actors’ role in regional development. Realization of semi-structured in-depth interviews, literature review and observation were the main methods of data collection. Many cultural and sports events of local character are held in the Jesenicko Region. Cultural offer, however, does not reflect the requirements of local residents and visitors. The participation of local inhabitants on the production of cultural activities is also very low, which can hinder further development of the region. The desired strategic connection of culture and tourism remains, with few exceptions, underused. This article suggests some possible directions of culture economy approach for further development of the Jesenicko Region.