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dc.contributor.authorKumhálová-Mikysková, Jitka
dc.description.abstractQuantitative knowledge of the factors and interactions affecting agricultural yield is essential for site-specific yield management. Topography of the terrain certainly remains on these yield affecting factors. For this reason, this paper deals with the prospects of modelling topographic features - digital elevation models and slope models for an experimental plot with an area of 11.5 hectares. The basis for the creation of these models is formed by data from various sources (combine yield monitor, RTK-GPS and data from airborne laser scanning). These data sets have been then modified via ArcGIS software in order to most accurately describe the topography of the analysed landscape. The resulting models of topographical characteristics were compared with crop yields during the observed period of 2004-2012, in order to determine which data source is best for the evaluation of the influence topography holds over yield values. Data from airborne laser scanning turned out to be the most suitable dataset for the tasks, because of their sufficient accuracy and frequency.cs
dc.titleOdvození topografických charakteristik pro účely precizního zemědělstvícs
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameGeografie. Sborník České geografické společnostics

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Zobrazit minimální záznam

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