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dc.contributor.authorKupková, Lucie
dc.contributor.authorIndrová, Magdalena
dc.coverage.spatialPraha (Česko)cs
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this study was to compare the capabilities of the Dyna- CLUE and Land Change Modeler (LCM) software based on the results of land use/cover development predictions in selected cadastres of the Prague suburban area. Time series of land use data, land use plans of the municipalities, and data on soil protection were used for this analysis. Land use prediction maps for the year 2020 were created using both software tools. The results of the comparison showed that the models respect the restriction of development. In accordance with the local land use plans, new residential development was properly allocated. As for commercial areas, the requirements were not completely fulfilled. It is evident that both models are able to produce correct maps of future land use based on specified requirements at the level of several cadastral units (area approx. 2,000 ha). However, the instability of LCM and the necessity of using other software while working with Dyna-CLUE somewhat complicated the work.cs
dc.titleZměny využití krajiny v suburbánní zóně Prahy v různých přístupech predikčního modelovánícs
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameGeografie. Sborník České geografické společnostics

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