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dc.contributor.authorBlažková, Šárka
dc.contributor.authorJanský, Bohumír
dc.contributor.authorKocum, Jan
dc.contributor.authorŠefrna, Luděk
dc.contributor.authorVlček, Lukáš
dc.coverage.spatialVydra (Česko : řeka : oblast)cs
dc.description.abstractThis paper summarizes findings from the hydrological research in the Vydra River headwaters, the Šumava Mts., s-w Czechia, dealing with the hydrological function of local peat soils and their effect on the outflow from the basin. This study represents a part of a long-term research carried out at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. The paper shows how important it is to study the groundwater level in peat soils and its area in a catchment as well as to predict the outflow in distinct weather conditions. There were chosen four small experimental catchments with different peat and waterlogged forest coverage. Rainfall events were selected in various periods within a year with a varying groundwater level (maximum and minimum) in the peat bog. Within these situations flood wave volumes were calculated and all of them were compared regarding the peat bog extension. The presented research also compares various sources of data about peat soils areas and areas of waterlogged forest.en
dc.titleInfluence of peat soils on runoff process :case study of Vydra river headwaters, Czechiaen
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameGeografie. Sborník České geografické společnostien

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