Ženy v rodinných domácnostech s dětmi a jejich postavení na trhu práce v kontextu vývoje po roce 1989 =Women in family households with children and their position in the labour market in the context of development since 1989
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- GEOBIBLINE - plné texty [10555]
Datum vydání
2016The period since 1989 in the Czech Republic has been characterised by significant changes in demographic behaviour that affect household structure. The postponement of entry into a partner household combined with a decline in fertility has resulted in a decline in the number of women living with children in partner households. Conversely, the rising divorce rate has led to an increase in the number of women living with children in oneparent households. One of the objectives of this study is to capture the trends in the cohabitation structure of families with children in the Czech Republic in the last twenty years. Other objectives of the study are to shed light on the conditions for achieving a work/life balance in the Czech Republic, especially in recent years, and to analyse how care for a child of preschool age affects the participation of mothers in the labour market and how this is reflected in higher unemployment. The study also aims to analyse the phenomenon in the context of the division of work and family responsibilities between partners. For this purpose use was made of data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), which focuses primarily on the labour market.