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dc.contributor.authorKrahula, Lukáš
dc.contributor.authorDobrovolný, Petr
dc.coverage.spatialBrno (Česko)cs
dc.description.abstractThis study seeks to quantify the effects of a number of factors on the nocturnal air temperature field in a medium-sized central European city located in complex terrain. The main data sources consist of mobile air temperature measurements and a geographical database. Temperature measurements were taken along sets of profiles through the city centre and were made under a clear sky with no advection. Altogether nine sets of detailed measurements, in all seasons, were assembled. Altitude, quantity of vegetation, density of buildings and the structure of the transportation (road) system were considered as explanatory variables. The result is that the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the density of buildings were the most important factors, each of them explaining a substantial part (more than 50%) of overall air temperature variability. Mobile measurements with NDVI values as a covariate were used for interpolation of air temperature for the entire study area. The spatial variability of nocturnal air temperature and UHI intensity in Brno is the main output presented. Air temperatures interpolated from mobile measurements and NDVI values indicate the mean urban heat island (UHI) intensity in the early night in summer is at its highest (approximately 5 °C) in the city centre and decreases towards the suburban areas.en
dc.titleThe spatial variability of air temperature and nocturnal urban heat island intensity in the city of Brno, Czech Republicen
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameMoravian Geographical Reportsen

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