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dc.contributor.authorChromý, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorFialová, Dana
dc.contributor.authorKučera, Zdeněk
dc.contributor.authorČtveráková, Iveta
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on geoparks as areas with a specific form of local heritage protection. It contributes to a research into two interconnected fields: firstly, the research into local people’s participation in local development; secondly, the research into tourism sustainability. Discussion of foreign publications reveals that in the context of Czechia geoparks are misunderstood concept. This argument is supported by a case study from one part of the National Geopark Železné hory. The field research proved that there are significant barriers to meeting the purpose of geoparks. Two conditions are required in geoparks: the possibility of cooperation among local actors and the ability to be competitive through a diverse offer of services and products. The paper discusses factors affecting the actual state of society and their operation in the local development. The aim of the paper is to identify the obstacles to the development of geoparks as a reflection of the problems in local and regional development. In addition, the article deals with possible instruments for the management of geoparks and their utilization for effective coordination of local development.en
dc.titleBarriers in functioning of Czech geoparks in the context of different circumstances =Bariéry v rozvoji českých geoparků v kontextu různých okolnostíen
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameActa Universitatis Carolinae. Geographicaen

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Zobrazit minimální záznam

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