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dc.contributor.authorBuček, Antonín
dc.contributor.authorKirchner, Karel
dc.contributor.authorVlčková, Veronika
dc.contributor.authorVoženílek, Vít
dc.contributor.authorMachar, Ivo
dc.description.abstractThe paper demonstrates the results of a biogeographic model of climatic conditions of vegetation zones in the landscape of Czechia. The model uses climatological prediction data of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute for the time period 2010-2100 according to the SRES A1B scenario and geobiocoenological characteristics of vegetation zonation of the landscape from the Register of biogeography. According to the model, the projected trends in climatic conditions of vegetation zones will be demonstrated by a substantial improvement in the conditions suitable for xerothermophilous Ponto-Pannonian biota in Czechia (the area of the 1st vegetation zone will increase). On the contrary, the size of the area with climatic conditions of the 6th to 8th vegetation zone will decrease. The model allows an algorithmization of specific climatic growing conditions of individual biological species. Thanks to this, it can be applied not only for the creation of scenarios of climate change in the landscape, but also as a support tool for creating strategies of adaptation and mitigation measures.cs
dc.titleBiogeografický model změn klimatických podmínek vegetační stupňovitosi v Českucs
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameGeografie. Sborník České geografické společnostics

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