Studium a hodnocení topicky podávaných ceramidů na poškozenou kožní bariéru
Study and Evaluation of Topically Applied Ceramides onto Disrupted Skin Barrier
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 238737
- Kvalifikační práce [6670]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Vraníková, Barbora
Fakulta / součást
Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra farmaceutické technologie
Datum obhajoby
1. 6. 2023
Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéJazyk
Klíčová slova (česky)
ceramidy, kožní bariéra, formulace, topické podáníKlíčová slova (anglicky)
ceramides, skin barrier, formulation, topical applicationAutor: M S b , Ph.D. : S í y ý ů š ž í b ůž ě ší s ě í ě í ý í ří ě ř ě ší y b y Z ůž s ž s b organismu í y s x í s ř ůž s ž z ě s b ě stratum corneum (SC), kter ří s í b Ceramidy (CER) s í í y ů b ý ů s í ě SC Ty y y ří s s ší y y b í ci, kter í ž ř ysý í ší ě ší i vlivy. Nedostatek CER v ž í b ř vede k š í ž í b y š í s ž y T s sí s mnoha ě ími, s y s ší Studium CER ve SC je ů ž proto, abychom pochopili mechanismy y žky ý ý ý řís ů bě ž í ě í Jednou z ž ý s by ž í í í b ý ů CER í by ř bs í í CER s jejich vliv ě š SC; ě by y s y CER CER EOS By y ř ě í í ( ří ů) ý by ý s ž CER s b í J ří y by y hodnoceny optic s í b ý ů ě š ž í ň by s s í y (TEWL) s s í V by y y ř í x y ýs y í ž y ý formula í í š SC y TEWL í s s š í b ý s s í b y R ěž by š ě ž y y s s y š í s ř í ý ř ě ů modelech SC. T by bý s s ž í í ř s ě ší í CER š SC T by ř s ě by s ě í y ý sů ž í b ř
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Author: M S b S , Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study and Evaluation of Topically Applied Ceramides onto Disrupted Skin Barrier Skin is the largest organ of the human body and serves several key functions, such as protection against external influences and regulation of body temperature. Healthy skin is able to maintain the integrity and stability of the organism due to its complex structure. The skin is composed of several layers of cells, including the stratum corneum (SC), which forms the main protective barrier. Ceramides (CER) are one of the main types of barrier lipids found in the SC. These lipid molecules, along with other lipids, create a hydrophobic matrix that protects the skin from dehydration and other external influences. The lack of CER in the skin barrier leads to the disruption of its function and the worsening of the skin condition. This is associated with many diseases, such as dermatitis, psoriasis, and others. The study of CER in the SC is important to understand the mechanisms of skin protection and to develop new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of skin diseases. Topical administration of barrier lipids, especially CER, is one possible treatment route for skin diseases. Therefore, the aim of this work was to prepare...