Scapular region topography concerning peripheral nerves and anatomical implication of nerve entrapment
Topografie lopatkové krajiny ve vztahu k periferním nervům a anatomickému podkladu jejich útlaku
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [1780]
Tuček, Michal
Stingl, Josef
Faculty / Institute
Second Faculty of Medicine
Experimental Surgery
Department of Anatomy
Date of defense
19. 9. 2024
Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakultaLanguage
Keywords (Czech)
arteria suprascapularis, canalis suprascapularis, incisura scapulae, incisura spinoglenoidalis, ligamentum suprascapulare, nervus suprascapularis, scapula, útlak nervus suprascapularis, vena suprascapularisKeywords (English)
scapula, spinoglenoid notch, suprascapular artery, suprascapular canal, suprascapular ligament, suprascapular nerve entrapment, suprascapular nerve, suprascapular notch, suprascapular veinCHARLES UNIVERSITY Second Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation: Experimental Surgery MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan Scapular region topography concerning peripheral nerves and anatomical implication of nerve entrapment Topografie lopatkové krajiny ve vztahu k periferním nervům a anatomickému podkladu jejich útlaku Supervisor: prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D. Prague, 2024 2 DECLARATION STATEMENT I declare that I have prepared my thesis independently and that I have properly listed and cited all sources and literature used. I also declare that the thesis has not been used to obtain another or the same degree. I agree to the permanent storage of the electronic version of my thesis in the database of the inter-university project for the purpose of continuous checking of the similarity of qualifying theses. Prague, June 15, 2024 MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan ................................ 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The project was supported and funded by the Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK No. 1720119). I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor and mentor Professor David Kachlík (Department of Anatomy; and Center for Endoscopic, Surgical and Clinical Anatomy (CESKA), Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) for his support and continues effort during the course of this thesis project. I...