Péče o duši a problém výchovy
Soul Care and the Problem of Education
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 73265
- Kvalifikační práce [19159]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Pelcová, Naděžda
Fakulta / součást
Pedagogická fakulta
Učitelství všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů pro základní školy a střední školy dějepis - základy společenských věd
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie
Datum obhajoby
25. 5. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaJazyk
Care of the Soul and Problem of Education The Czech philosopher Jan Patočka shows two different modalities of soul concepts while thinking about Jan Amos Komenský's heritage for contemporary pedagogy. The close-set soul conceptus supposes simply recognizeable world, modern ideas of its controllability and scientific structure scheme. Education, which means care of the soul in three ways - care of the soul in the sense of cosmos order, in the sense of public and in the personal way, means (following close-set conceptus) formation, preparation and setting up the undone young being for life in the modern society. Reflexions of our contemporary situation find out, that modern situation appears as a crisis. This crisis demands a new approach to education, which could be found in the open-set soul concept. The open-set soul could be described as something incomplete, which is searching its fundamentals all the time. Another characteristic shows affinity of the soul for something superior or sense of own finality. Education in this way unveils itself like repeatedly reached humanity. This kind of education does not mean formation or setting up, this kind of education means revealing context of the world, society and finally own personality. Open-set mind should bring responsibility through this revealing. Every...
Care of the Soul and Problem of Education The Czech philosopher Jan Patočka shows two different modalities of soul concepts while thinking about Jan Amos Komenský's heritage for contemporary pedagogy. The close-set soul conceptus supposes simply recognizeable world, modern ideas of its controllability and scientific structure scheme. Education, which means care of the soul in three ways - care of the soul in the sense of cosmos order, in the sense of public and in the personal way, means (following close-set conceptus) formation, preparation and setting up the undone young being for life in the modern society. Reflexions of our contemporary situation find out, that modern situation appears as a crisis. This crisis demands a new approach to education, which could be found in the open-set soul concept. The open-set soul could be described as something incomplete, which is searching its fundamentals all the time. Another characteristic shows affinity of the soul for something superior or sense of own finality. Education in this way unveils itself like repeatedly reached humanity. This kind of education does not mean formation or setting up, this kind of education means revealing context of the world, society and finally own personality. Open-set mind should bring responsibility through this revealing. Every...