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Family Centre as the Way from the Social Exclusion of the Mothers at the Maternity Leave
dc.contributor.advisorVorlová, Marie
dc.creatorBuzková, Jana
dc.description.abstractCílem mé práce je zmapování problémů, se kterými se mohou setkat matky na rodičovské dovolené a zároveň i nalezení jejich řešení v podobě existence mateřských center. Tato práce se nesnaží dělat z maminek ubohé a bezmocné puťky, které jsou celou dobu zavřené doma a bojí se vycházet mezi lidi. Pouze se zaměřuje na to negativní, co sebou mateřství a rodičovská dovolená přinášejí. Ukazuje, jak mohou některé problémy úzce spojené s obdobím rodičovské dovolené působit na matku a proč je tedy důležité, aby se o nich mluvilo a aby byly nějak řešeny. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)cs_CZ
dc.description.abstractThe motherhood is the most beautiful period of live for most of mothers. The possibility to have a baby and be with him every time is the best what they can have, but this period is no only beautiful, happy time. A lot of mothers, who are on a maternity leave, can have several problems, which can make mothers' lives less happy and beautiful and sometimes very sad and lonely. The situation in our society seems to be better for singles or people without children. They can better do their own career; they can better work, than mothers with babies. That is why they are in public opinion " more useful" than families with children. When a woman have a baby, it is more difficult to find a job for her, because nobody (almost) wants to employ a woman with small child, who will be probably ill very often and the woman will have to be at home with him. The situation of mothers with babies is not very good sometimes for those who are at home and do not find a job, too. It is difficult to go somewhere with baby-coach or with crying baby. It can happen, that these mothers have to hear, their child is noisy and they baby-coach takes a lot of space, from people around. The possibility of meeting other adults is less then it was before. There is small possibility to go to a theatre, a cinema, a gallery, as well. The fact,...en_US
dc.publisherUniverzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakultacs_CZ
dc.titleMateřské centrum jako cesta ze sociálního vyloučení matek na rodičovské dovolenécs_CZ
dc.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
dc.description.facultyEvangelická teologická fakultacs_CZ
dc.description.facultyProtestant Theological Facultyen_US
dc.title.translatedFamily Centre as the Way from the Social Exclusion of the Mothers at the Maternity Leaveen_US
dc.contributor.refereeMašát, Vladimír
thesis.degree.disciplinePastorační a sociální prácecs_CZ
thesis.degree.disciplinePastoral and Social Worken_US
thesis.degree.programSocial Worken_US
thesis.degree.programSociální prácecs_CZ
uk.thesis.typebakalářská prácecs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-csEvangelická teologická fakulta::Jabokcs_CZ
uk.taxonomy.organization-enProtestant Theological Faculty::Jaboken_US
uk.faculty-name.csEvangelická teologická fakultacs_CZ
uk.faculty-name.enProtestant Theological Facultyen_US
uk.degree-discipline.csPastorační a sociální prácecs_CZ
uk.degree-discipline.enPastoral and Social Worken_US
uk.degree-program.csSociální prácecs_CZ
uk.degree-program.enSocial Worken_US
thesis.grade.csVelmi dobřecs_CZ
thesis.grade.enVery gooden_US
uk.abstract.csCílem mé práce je zmapování problémů, se kterými se mohou setkat matky na rodičovské dovolené a zároveň i nalezení jejich řešení v podobě existence mateřských center. Tato práce se nesnaží dělat z maminek ubohé a bezmocné puťky, které jsou celou dobu zavřené doma a bojí se vycházet mezi lidi. Pouze se zaměřuje na to negativní, co sebou mateřství a rodičovská dovolená přinášejí. Ukazuje, jak mohou některé problémy úzce spojené s obdobím rodičovské dovolené působit na matku a proč je tedy důležité, aby se o nich mluvilo a aby byly nějak řešeny. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)cs_CZ
uk.abstract.enThe motherhood is the most beautiful period of live for most of mothers. The possibility to have a baby and be with him every time is the best what they can have, but this period is no only beautiful, happy time. A lot of mothers, who are on a maternity leave, can have several problems, which can make mothers' lives less happy and beautiful and sometimes very sad and lonely. The situation in our society seems to be better for singles or people without children. They can better do their own career; they can better work, than mothers with babies. That is why they are in public opinion " more useful" than families with children. When a woman have a baby, it is more difficult to find a job for her, because nobody (almost) wants to employ a woman with small child, who will be probably ill very often and the woman will have to be at home with him. The situation of mothers with babies is not very good sometimes for those who are at home and do not find a job, too. It is difficult to go somewhere with baby-coach or with crying baby. It can happen, that these mothers have to hear, their child is noisy and they baby-coach takes a lot of space, from people around. The possibility of meeting other adults is less then it was before. There is small possibility to go to a theatre, a cinema, a gallery, as well. The fact,...en_US
uk.grantorUniverzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakulta, Jabokcs_CZ

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