Interpretace pohádek z pohledu waldorfské pedagogiky
The Fairy-Tales Interpretation from the Point of View of Waldorf Pedagogy
bakalářská práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 18557
- Kvalifikační práce [1555]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Nejedlá, Dana
Fakulta / součást
Evangelická teologická fakulta
Pastorační a sociální práce
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Datum obhajoby
8. 3. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Evangelická teologická fakultaJazyk
Velmi dobře
Cílem mé práce je ukázat pozitivní vliv pohádek na dětskou duši a její vývoj z pohledu WP. Do práce zařadím několik pohádek s výkladem, které ukazují skrytou morální hodnotu. Musím však předem říci, že se s názorem waldorfské pedagogiky na pohádky ztotožňuji. Powered by TCPDF (
The topic of my Diploma work is about view of Waldorf pedagogy to fairy tales and its meaning to child psychical and spiritual development. The diploma work is devided into the teoretical and practicle part. At the beginnig of the teoretical part, there is a simple biography og Rudolf Steiner ( founder of spiritual science - anthroposofy and waldorf pedagogy ). Next part continue with basic presentation of methodology and targets in WP and short discourse about importance of teacher in WP. Next section of the teoretical part is the most extensive one. It concerns fairy tales, their origin, sense and intrinsic value. This part also include mutul connection between child development periods and fairy tales that children require and listen to. The final section of teoretical part is mentioned several fairy tales and its interpretation. Practical part has roots on my one month long practise at waldorf garden nursery. This part describes how I was working with children , cooperation with paerents and school and its meaning for children. Last but not least there is a part abou TV, video and PC and about their influence on children. After practical part following the conclusion and the list of used letters. Powered by TCPDF (