Zobrazení mořské fauny na antických památkách
Iconography of marine life in Greek and Roman art
bakalářská práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 115190
- Kvalifikační práce [23974]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Musil, Jiří
Fakulta / součást
Filozofická fakulta
Klasická archeologie - Novořečtina
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav pro klasickou archeologii
Datum obhajoby
15. 2. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaJazyk
Cilem teto prace je definovat a shrnout zpusob, kontext a vyznam zobrazovani morske fauny v umeni antickeho sveta. Chronologicky je zamerena od 8. stol pro n. 1. do 5. stol. n. 1., geograficky na stredomorsky region. Na zaklade zminek v dilech antickych autoru a sekundarni odborne literatury jsou tu zpracovana a komentovana nektera anticka vYtvarna dila a pamatky hmotne kultury. Namety s morskymi zivoCichy byly vantickem umeni velmi oblibene a spektrum situaci a kontextu, se kterymi se mohou pojit, je siroke: od atributu bozstva pres symbol morskeho prostredi po vypliiovy ornament. Je zminena jejich role hospodarska, spolecenska, mytologicka i symbolicka. Nejvetsi popularity dosahly tyto namety v cernofigurove keramice, jihoitalskych rybich miskach a helenistickych mozaikach. Stylisticky vedle sebe existovaly realisticky a ornamentalizujici trend. Kresba a malba dovedly zalichotit vic rybam a hlavonozcum, plastika zase spiS delfinum.
The aim of this thesis is to define and to summarize the manner, the context and the meaning of depictions of marine fauna in the Ancient Art from 8th century BC to 5th century AD in the Mediterranean region. Based on remarks of ancient authors and on current secondary literature it compiles and comments on some pieces of Acient Art. Artistic motives with marine fauna were very popular in the ancient times and they can join a wide range of situations and contexts: from attributes of divinities and symbols of marine location to filling ornaments. Their significance was economic, social, as well as mythological and symbolical. The peak of their popularity is represented by black-figure vases, south Italian fish-plates and Hellenistic mosaics. Realistic and ornamental tendencies of style coexisted. While drawing and painting suited better to fish and cephalopods, sculpture flattered dolphins.