12. kapitola Knihy Zjevení a její působení v dějinách umění
Revelation Chapter 12 and its Incidence in the History of Art
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 105680
- Kvalifikační práce [2754]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Pavlík, Jiří
Fakulta / součást
Husitská teologická fakulta
Husitská teologie
Katedra / ústav / klinika
HTF - Katedra biblistiky
Datum obhajoby
21. 5. 2012
Univerzita Karlova, Husitská teologická fakultaJazyk
Klíčová slova (česky)
apokalypsa, kniha Zjevení, drak, středověké umění, Dürer, exegeze, vizuální exegezeKlíčová slova (anglicky)
apocalypsis, Revelation, dragon, medieval art, Dürer, exegesis, visual exegesis99 SummarySummarySummarySummary 12. kapitola Zjevení a její působení v dějinách umění Revelation Chapter 12 and its Incidence in the History of Art Martina V. Kopecká This diploma thesis is divided into 2 basic parts. The first part is concentrated to exegesis of Book of Revelation, especially to 12th chapter. This first part contains 4 chapters - Elementary information about Book of Revelation, whis provide us the fundamental information about genre, its origin, literal background and historical influence of the text, in chapter called Language of the Book of Revelation we devote to translation and analysis of language, that author have had used. The structure of Book of Revelation is discussed too, chapter called The Theology of Book of Revelation gives us the information about several theological topics, for example hope and redemption or radical monotheism, the chapter called The Book of Revelation - chapter 12th we devoted to analysis of 12th chapter "verse a verse". The second part is concetrated to art and it contains 2 extensive chapters. The fifth chapter is called Art and 12th chapter of Book of Revelation and we are concentrated to Albrecht Dürer and his Apocalyptic Serie. We also devoted to his life, work and influences that affected him. In chapter no. six, called The Methodology of...
99 SummarySummarySummarySummary 12. kapitola Zjevení a její působení v dějinách umění Revelation Chapter 12 and its Incidence in the History of Art Martina V. Kopecká This diploma thesis is divided into 2 basic parts. The first part is concentrated to exegesis of Book of Revelation, especially to 12th chapter. This first part contains 4 chapters - Elementary information about Book of Revelation, whis provide us the fundamental information about genre, its origin, literal background and historical influence of the text, in chapter called Language of the Book of Revelation we devote to translation and analysis of language, that author have had used. The structure of Book of Revelation is discussed too, chapter called The Theology of Book of Revelation gives us the information about several theological topics, for example hope and redemption or radical monotheism, the chapter called The Book of Revelation - chapter 12th we devoted to analysis of 12th chapter "verse a verse". The second part is concetrated to art and it contains 2 extensive chapters. The fifth chapter is called Art and 12th chapter of Book of Revelation and we are concentrated to Albrecht Dürer and his Apocalyptic Serie. We also devoted to his life, work and influences that affected him. In chapter no. six, called The Methodology of...