Clipping from the word-formation, word-class, stylistic/register, semantic and translational perspectives
Clipping ("oklešťování") ze slovotvorného, slovnědruhového, stylistického, sémantického a překladového pohledu
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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SIS: 27174
- Kvalifikační práce [23729]
Vedoucí práce
Oponent práce
Čermák, Jan
Fakulta / součást
Filozofická fakulta
Anglistika - amerikanistika
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Datum obhajoby
20. 9. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaJazyk
Pnlce zkouma slovotvorny proces mechanickeho kraceni v anglietine ze synchronni perspektivy. Mechanicke kraceni je proces, pi'i nemz vznika nova lexikalni jednotka ztratou fonologickeho materiaJu zakladu. Ae je tento proces velmi produktivni, autoi'i pojednavajici 0 slovotvorbe se 0 nem v porovnani s ostatnimi slovotvornymi procesy zminuji strueneji. Duvodem pro toto opomijeni je pravdepodobne ureita nahodilost a nepravidelnost tohoto procesu. Cilem prace je prozkoumat vzorek anglickych neologismu vytvoi'enych mechanickym kracenim a potvrdit tak obecne trendy, ktere v souvislosti s timto procesem jednotlivi autoi'i zminuji. Pi'inosem prace je nejen potvrzeni techto trendu, ale pi'edevsim proporeni zpi'esneni jednotlivych typu a charakteristik tohoto procesu a dukladna analyza vzorku z nekolika hledisek: slovotvorneho, slovnedruhoveho, semantickeho, stylistickeho a pi'ekladoveho. Zkoumany vzorekje sestaven z prestizniho britskeho obecneho monolingvniho slovniku. Opodstatnenim pro tento zdroj materiaIu je fakt, ze vyber lexikalnich polozek ve slovniku neni nahodily, ale die autorU vice ei mene reprezentuje lexikalni situaci jazyka v dobe vytvareni slovniku. Da se pi'edpokladat, ze i ureitou lexikalni podmnozinu Ize povazovat za vice ei mene reprezentativni.
The analysis confirms the general findings of the authors dealing with the process of clippings. The trends which the thesis confirms are: Back-clipping is the most frequent type of clipping, the other types are rare. Clippings are mostly created from nouns. Plain clippings are mostly mono- or disyllabic and they mostly respect the syllable divisions in the base. This means that plain clippings are mostly created from the first syllable of the base. Clippings are mostly colloquial/informal. What the thesis adds is the precise expression of the proportions of the individual features and also the identification of the different motivation behind the creation of embellished clippings. In other words, the analysis shows that embellished clippings differ from plain clippings not only on formal grounds, i.e. the presence of the suffix, but also in other features: embellished clippings have more often an adjectival base, they are more often stylistically marked, more often slang, more often regionally specific and less often specific for a subject field. This shows that embellished clippings are trendy, created to attract attention, part of the substandard language and that the ingroup status is even intensified in embellished clippings. Medial clipping, as a minor type of clipping is established alongside...