diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 27336
- Kvalifikační práce [23748]
Vrhel, František
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Institute of Ethnology
Date of defense
25. 9. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Zprava 0 plneni Narodniho ptanu boje proti komercne sexualnimu zneuiivani deti a jeho aktualizace na cialsi obdobi je jednim ze "zakladnich pilihl" uplatnovane socialni politiky, ovlivnujid zivot "motylkU" i ostatnich zividch se prostitucl. leho stanovy se TIdi Policie i organy socialni pece. Shromazd'uje veskere poznatky 0 komercne sexualne zneuzivanych a pfevadi je do tezi a analYz. Urcuje co si 0 "motyldch" mysli Policie a organy sociaIni pece. Poukazuje na vzor, jak ke komercne sexuaIne zneuzivanym pfistupovat. Ackoliv neni moine exaktne stanovit kvantitativni rozsah detske prostituce, je patrne, ie Policie disponuje dostatkem informaci k fypick:f;m charakteristikCtm tohoto jevu. Odhalovani detske prostituceje venovano znacne pro aktivni usili a proverovany jsou vsechny poznatky a informace, ktere k ni mohou smerovat. 82 Policie a organy sociaIni pece podle teto teze disponuji dostatkem informad pro pochopeni subkultury komercne sexuaIne zneuzivanych. Pficem.z veskere vedeni 0 nich vychazi z policejnich Waseni a tvorby analyz a tabulek s minimaInim poctem komercne sexualne zneuzivanYch. Tato teze prezentovana na zaver zpravy pusobi az tragikomicky. Veskere me hodnoceni vedomosti, kterymi disponuje Policie a orgimy socialni pece jsem umyslne nechal aZ nakonec teto kapitoly. Domnivam se, ze poznatky...
The present paper is concerned with male prostitutes, whom the author calls "butterflies". Its aim is to portray this groups' everyday reality and life on the streets, however, the name of the city and their specific meeting points are to remain unrevealed. According to their age, "butterflies" can be divided into three groups, the oldest ending at the age of thirty, when "butterflies" become literally unsellable. The social origin of "butterflies" consists of several factors which are the cause of their ending up on the streets and selling their bodies. This "business" is a predominantly seasonal issue, since the number of "butterflies" severely increases during the summer months. As for their ethnic origin we can clearly conclude that above 50 % of the people earning their living as male prostitutes are ethnic Romas. The majority of "butterflies" are heterosexually oriented. It is important to understand that their behavior can be completely explained by financial motivations, that is, they are merely trying to survive on the streets by any means possible. A unanimous community among "butterflies" is non-existent, instead, they form systems of alliances, which occasionally cooperate. Their lack of self-reflection implies that they are often unable or unwilling to cope with their situation and pretend to...