Komerční sexuální zneužívání dětí jako téma teologické etiky
Children's commercial sexual Abuse as a Topic for Theological Ethics
rigorózní práce (OBHÁJENO)

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SIS: 111651
- Kvalifikační práce [2276]
Oponent práce
Rethmann, Albert-Peter
Ovečka, Libor
Fakulta / součást
Katolická teologická fakulta
Katolická teologie
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Katedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologie (do 2018)
Datum obhajoby
26. 1. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Katolická teologická fakultaJazyk
RESUME Not every child can enjoy a happy childhood in an environment that provides for delivering of his/her essentials of life, and thus allows for complex development of his/her personality. Not only in the Czech Republic, but in the whole world, there are still children that suffer from physical and psychic neglect and abuse, as well as sexual exploitation; very often, the abuser is a family member or someone known to the child. The most serious form of maltreatment caused to the child in today's world is the sexual abuse for financial or other economic reasons, i.e. the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC). This involves trafficking, prostitution, sex tourism, pornography, incest, rape and sexual harassment. The submitted thesis discusses commercial sexual exploitation of children within the framework of theological ethics. The phenomenon is described and examined here and related challenges and suggestions are defined with respect to the individual as well as social ethics. The problem is partly discussed also in context of the legal ethics, because the manifestations of CSEC are considered vice crimes or sexual assaults. The first, more general, chapter of the thesis is focused on the definition of the Child Abuse and Neglect Syndrome (CAN) and the process of recognizing the phenomenon in...