Použití elektrostimulací dle Jantscheho a Hufschmidta na ovlivnění spasticity m. triceps surae a rychlosti chůze u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou
Use of electrostimulation according to Jantsche and Hufschmidt to influence triceps surae muscle spasticity and walking speed in patients with multiple sclerosis
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)

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Study Information System: 254674
- Kvalifikační práce [1780]
Hojková, Klára
Faculty / Institute
Second Faculty of Medicine
Applied physiotherapy
Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Date of defense
12. 6. 2023
Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakultaLanguage
Very good
Keywords (Czech)
Spasticita, elektrostimulace, Jantsch, Hufschmidt, roztroušená skleróza, fyzioterapieKeywords (English)
Spasticity, electrostimulation, Jantsch, Hufschmidt, multiple sclerosis, physiotherapyTato diplomova prace se zameruje na porovnaní ucinnosti dvou typu elektrostimulace, konkretne elektrostimulace dle Hufschmidta a Jantscheho, pro snízení spasticity m. triceps surae a ovlivnení rychlosti chuze u pacientu s roztrousenou sklerozou (RS). Cílem prace je zjistit, ktery typ elektrostimulace je vhodnejsí pro pacienty s RS. Tema bylo vybrano v navaznosti na predchozí dve diplomove prace zabyvající se efektem techto elektrostimulací jednotlive. V teoreticke casti jsou uvedeny zakladní informace o RS, je vysvetlena patofyziologie spasticity a mozny vliv spinalních mechanismu na ni, je popsano vysetrení spastickych pacientu a jsou shrnuty moznosti lecby elektroterapií. Prakticka cast srovnava efekt obou typu elektrostimulace u pacientu s RS, kterí byli castecne randomizovane rozdeleni do dvou skupin po trech a hodnotí kratkodobe a dlouhodobe vysledky pomocí vysetrení "Five step clinical assessment in spastic paresis" a dotazníku subjektivního vnímají chuze MSWS-12 (Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale). Vysledky prace nevykazují signifikantní rozdíly v efektu obou elektrostimulací. Nejvyraznejsí zlepsení se u obou skupin ukazalo v subjektivním hodnocení chuze a ve zlepsení se ve funkcních testech.
This thesis focuses on comparing the effectiveness of two types of electrostimulations, specifically electrostimulation according to Hufschmidt and Jantsche, in reducing m. triceps surae spasticity and influencing walking speed in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of the thesis is to determine which type of electrostimulation is more suitable for patients with MS. The topic was chosen based on two previous theses that examined the effects of these electrostimulations individually. The theoretical part provides basic information about MS, explains the pathophysiology of spasticity and the possible influence of spinal mechanisms on it, describes the examination of spastic patients, and summarizes the possibilities of electrotherapy treatment. The practical part compares the effects of both types of electrostimulations in patients with MS who were partially randomly divided into two groups of three and evaluates short-term and long-term results using the "Five step clinical assessment in spastic paresis" examination and the subjective perception of walking questionnaire MSWS-12 (Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale). The results of the thesis do not show significant differences in the effects of both electrostimulations. The most significant improvements in both groups were observed in the...