Metodika reedukace zrakových vad ve speciální třídě mateřské školy pro děti se zrakovým postižením
Methodology of visua handicap reeducation in a kindergarten special class for visually handicapped children
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 68531
- Kvalifikační práce [19160]
Šumníková, Pavlína
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Education
Pedagogy of Pre-School Age
Information is unavailable
Date of defense
19. 1. 2009
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaLanguage
The main topic of the graduation thesis is the genre of comics and its dismemberment about different criteria. This graduation thesis is concerned with the beginning and the progression in Czech Republic and in the world. There is the emphasis on the history of the classical comics and its specificity for pre-school and younger school age. The graduation thesis suggests group of ideas and games, it maps the current comics production on the pages of contemporary periodicals.
The dissertation is focused on the methodology of vision reeducation with amblyopic and squint-eyed children in the form of playful activities without using special instruments. The theoretical part deals with sorting and classification of vision defects and listing the most frequent vision defects in the pre-school period. Possible approaches to the visually handicapped individuals and attitudes to the handicapped before and after 1990 are described here, as well as the fundamental terms used in the education and training of the visually handicapped are defined. The method of reeducation, especially the pedagogical education and training method, overlaps into the practical part of the dissertation. In that part, there is a detailed analysis of the methodology of games and playful activities suitable for vision reeducation in a kindergarten special class for visually handicapped children, where there is the major part of amblyopic and squint-eyed children. The given reeducation activities with the specified methodical procedures for pleoptic and orthoptic therapy utilize standard aids, as well as waste materials, but also the latest information technologies. The method tank is divided into five areas. These are the area of space and space relations perception, area of visual-motoric coordination, area of...