Vegetation of fir- and calcicolous beech forests of the Czech Republic
Vegetace jedlin a vápnomilných bučin České republiky
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- Kvalifikační práce [20291]
Roleček, Jan
Ewald, Jörg
Walentowski, Helge
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Science
Department of Botany
Date of defense
4. 2. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultaLanguage
Souhrn BoublikK. (2009):vegetacejedlina v6pnomilnjchbudinieskd republiky.- Ms., 104p. lDisertadnipr6ce; Knihovnakaterdybotaniky,piF UK v prazel Pniceptini5i u./sledkylrtocenologickt klasifikacev6pnomilnlichbudinajedlin desk6republiky. _ Fyocenologick6 snimky vfpnornilnjch budin s dominancibuku lesniho (Fagion, Cephalinthero- Fagmion) byly rybniny pomoci dvou metod:(i) na zikladd piitornnosti druhri iexpertnE definovand skupiny druhri a (ii) formalizovanou m€todou cocktail. V piipad€ metody cockLil byly definice frtocgnotogjgtic! jednotek vytvgf.eny kombinaci sociologiilcfih skupin druhrl pomoci iogiclcyctr openitoru.V definicichbyla pouZitarovndZdominancedruhrl.Byla-rozli5enajen jedna a-sociace vipnomilnfch b.oEin(cephalanthero-Fagetum).Tato se vyskltuje oboykl" nu u,ip"n"i.t, v6pnifjch piskovc(ch a opuMch. Mtz€me se s nl vsak setkattakd na baziltech'a zndlcicb- V nimci Seshjch uipnomilnjch budin byly pomoci anallizy TWINSPAN rozliseny fii vegetadni rypy, kier6 jsou interpretovanyjako subasociaceCephalanthero-Fageum:(1) cephalantheri-Fageai-seslerietosum caeruleaes dominanci Sesleia caemlea a s vfskytem petrofftri najdemena .idff"l;"f,, kamenifjch prid6ch.(ii) cephalanthuo-Fagetumwicum seryskytuje na iuchfcl a mdlkjch prid6ci a obsahuie iadu svdtlomilnly'ch,teplomilnfch a v.ipnomilnjch druhri. (iiD...
Boublík K. (2009): Vegetation of fir- and calcicolous beech forests of the Czech Republic. - Ms., 104 p. [PhD thesis; depon. in: Library of the Department of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague] The thesis proposes Braun-Blanquet phytosociological classification of calcicolous beech forests and fir forests of the Czech Republic. Calcicolous forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica (Fagion, Cephalanthero-Fagenion) were defined with the help of two approaches: (i) selection on the basis of correspondence of species composition with an expert delimited species group and (ii) the formalized and supervised Cocktail method. In the case of the Cocktail method, the definitions of associations were created by combinations of sociological species groups using logical operators. Dominance of single species was included in the definitions of associations. Only one association (Cephalanthero-Fagetum) was distinguished. This association usually occurs on limestone, calcareous sandstone and calcareous sandy marlite. However, it can be found also on basalt and phonolite. TWINSPAN analysis distinguished three vegetation types within Czech calcicolous beech forests which are interpreted as subassociations of Cephalanthero- Fagetum: (i) Cephalanthero-Fagetum seslerietosum caeruleae occurring on...