Využitie elektrotaktilnej stimulácie jazyka pre rehabilitáciu pacientov s poruchou stability
The application of electro tactile stimulation of tongue for rehabilitation in patients with balance disorders
Využití elektrotaktilní stimulace jazyka při rehabilitaci pacientů s poruchou stability
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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- Kvalifikační práce [1780]
Paulasová - Schwabová, Jaroslava
Faculty / Institute
Second Faculty of Medicine
Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Date of defense
1. 6. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakultaLanguage
Keywords (Czech)
Posturálna kontrola, poruchy stability, cerebelárna ataxia, biofeedback, elektrotaktilná stimulácia jazykaKeywords (English)
Postural control, balance disorders, cerebellar ataxia, biofeedback, electrotactile stimulation of tongueDiplomová práca sa zaoberá skúmaním efektu biofeedbacku elektrotaktilnou stimuláciou jazyka u pacientov s pOnlchou rovnováhy na podklade lézie cerebella. Pre terapiu boli vybraní 4 pacienti vo vekovom rozmedzí 38 - 74 rokov s cerebelárnou ataxiou. Osoby podstúpili terapeutický program s využitím biofeedbacku, počas ktorého trénovali posturálnu stabilitu s vylúče ním zrakovej kontroly a orientovali sa pomocou elektrotaktilného signálu na jazyku. Pre hodnotenie posturálnej stabi lity pacientov som využila testy BESTest a Dynamic Oait Index, dotazníky The Acti vi ties-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale, Dizziness Handicap lnventory (DlII) a Visual Analogue Scale (V AS), a vyšetrenie pomocou statickej posturografie. Predpokladala som, že terapia pomocou biofeedbacku formou elektrotaktilnej stimulácie jazyka zlepšuje posturáInu stabi litu u pacientov s poruchou rovnováhy zapríčinenou léziou cerebella. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Diploma the 'is deals wi th the research of effect of biofeedback in the form of electrotactile stimulation of tongue in the patients with balance disorders eaused by the cerebellar lesion. For the therapeutic program 4 patients with cerebellar ataxia at the age of38 - 74 years were chosen. Subjects have partieipated in the therapeutic program with the application of biofeedback, they were training postural stability while visual control was excluded and they were using electrotacti le signal on the tongue for orientation. I used neurological tests BESTest and Dynamic Oait Index, questionnaire The Activities- Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale, Dizziness I Tandicap Inventory (D ll) a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and examination by stati posturography for evaluation of postural stability in the patients. I supposed that therapy by biofeedback in the form of electrotactile stimulation of tongue improves postural stability in the patients with balance disorders caused by cerebellar lesion. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)