Patients and obstetricians attitudes associated with caesarean section on maternal request
Postoj pacientek a porodníků k císařskému řezu indikovanému na žádost matky
diplomová práce (OBHÁJENO)
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Trvalý odkazátory
SIS: 65172
- Kvalifikační práce [3194]
Vedoucí práce
Fakulta / součást
3. lékařská fakulta
Katedra / ústav / klinika
Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě v Praze Podolí
Datum obhajoby
9. 4. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakultaJazyk
Medicine is changing, especially in obstetrics. We now have to involve patients in decision making. In this partnership we have to try to educate women about risks and benefits for both her and her child for both vaginal and cesarean sections. Women today want avoid risks and decrease uncertainty. There is no guarantee that a woman will deliver without complications before the onset of labor, and many feel that they decrease the risks and uncertainty by opting for a cesarean section. But cesarean sections have their own risk profile. Many studies have shown that a planned antepartum cesarean section has less risk than intrapartum cesarean sections. Some would say that a planned cesarean section is as risky as a vaginal delivery, but the risk profiles are different. Different countries have different approaches towards allowing cesarean sections on maternal request. In Italy a woman has the right to choose, while in Norway the woman has only the right to decide together with the physician. This is also reflected in the numbers of cesarean sections in the different populations. Some countries deliver babies with help of mid wives and other places obstetricians have to deliver the baby. In the world we live in time is of the essence and there is no exception when it comes to obstetricians. If the obstetrician...