Výběr a výcvik pilotů dopravních letadel
Selection and training of airline pilots
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)

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- Kvalifikační práce [23974]
Michalová, Lucie
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Adult Education and Personnel Management
Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management
Date of defense
22. 6. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Bakahifska prace je tematicky zamefena na vYber a vYcvik pilotu dopravnich letadel. Uvodni cast se orientuje na teorii ziskavani, vYberu a vYcviku pracovniku, navazuje na ni tema ziskavlini a vYberu pracovniku v letovem provozu z obecneho hlediska. Duraz je zde kladen pfedevsim na minimalni pozadavky, ktere musi prakticky vsichni pracovnici v letovem provozu splnovat. Stezejni cast textu je venovana ziskavani, kriteriim ryberu, samotnemu vYberu a vYcviku pilotu dopravnich letounu. Fakt, ze je vetSina pozadavku na profesionaIni piloty determinovana mezinarodnimi pfedpisy, ovlivnuje prakticky veskere personaIni Cinnosti souvisejici s nastupem pilota do zamestnani. Specificka je teoreticka pfiprava pilotu dopravnich letadel, kdy se nabizi hned nekolik moznosti, jak potfebne znalosti k vYkonu teto profese ziskat. Vyznamnou roli v cele profesni kariefe pilotu dopravnich letadel hraje vYcvik, ktery je jiz ze sve podstaty znacne odlisny od "beznych" vYcviku pracovniku. Je rozdelen na fadu dilcich, konkretne zamefenych casti, ktere maji sva specifika. ZaCina jeste pfed zaccitkem profesni kariery pilota dopravniho letounu a konci az v okamziku, kdy pilot toto zamestnani opousti. Text pracuje s fakty specifickymi pro letovY provoz a snazi se uchopit celou problematiku pfedevsim z hlediska personaInich procesu.
This bachelor thesis focuses on the selection and training of airline pilots. The introduction concentrates on the theory of staff recruitment, selection and training, and is followed by the topic of recruitment and selection of air service staff from a more general point of view. Especially emphasized are the minimum requirements which must be met by the vast majority of air service staff. The central part of the text is dedicated to recruitment, selection criteria, selection process and training of airline pilots. The fact, that the majority of requirements for professional pilots is determined by international regulations, affects virtually all personnel processes connected with the employment of pilots. Very specific is the theoretical training of airline pilots, where there is a wide array of choices to acquire the required knowledge for the job. Training plays an important role in the professional career of the airline pilots, and is different from the "usual" staff training from its very foundation. The training comprises of concretely oriented parts, with specific aspects. The training begins before the professional career of an airline pilot, and ends when the pilot leaves the job. The text works with air service specific facts and tries to grasp the whole field predominantly from the viewpoint of...