Gynecology malignancy screening and prevention
Gynekologické vyšetření malignity a prevence
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 65153
- Kvalifikační práce [3193]
Černá, Milena
Faculty / Institute
Third Faculty of Medicine
Department of Mother and Child Care in Prague Podoli
Date of defense
30. 9. 2010
Univerzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakultaLanguage
Very good
Práce se věnuje různým aspektům screeningu a prevence rakoviny děložního čípku. V první části se předkládá systematický přehled výskytu tohoto onemocnění ve světě, rizikovým faktorům, ve stručném přehledu se věnuje patologickým aspektům, klasifikaci. V druhé části porovnává screeningové programy v České republice a na Mauritiu.
Throughout this discussion different aspects of screening and preventing cervical cancer were considered. Screening, in terms of the methods used, comparing them and also including innovative methods such as LBC. The use use of screening in Czech Republic and Mauritius and how it can affect the prevalence and mortality rate. At this primary stage of the screening programme in both countries, changes will take some time to be seen. So, at this point it is not possible to provide an exact analysis of the benefits of screening according to the prevalence of cervical cancers. In other countries, screening and prevention methods has already proven to be effective. As discussed in the prevention part of this thesis; to assure that a decrease in prevalence and mortality are seen, a systematic programme supported by policies should be in place. These policies then can be applied by medical professionals in their duties together with the education of the presenting women.