Zostrojenie účelovej inžinierskogeologickej mapy M 1: 5000 vybranej časti Prahy - Radlice urobenej na základe podrobného terénneho mapovania
Construction of a purpose-built engineering geological map M 1:5000 of a selected area of Prague-Radlice elaborated on the basis of detailed field mapping
Sestavení účelové inženýrskogeologické mapy M 1: 5000 vybrané části Prahy - Radlice provedená na základě podrobného terénního mapování
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 131496
- Kvalifikační práce [20106]
Chmelař, Radovan
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Science
Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics
Date of defense
12. 6. 2013
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakultaLanguage
Very good
This work deals with constructing a detailed purpose-built engineering geological 1:5000 map of a part of Prague 5, where the tunnel of "Radlická radiála" will be excavated. This radial is designed to connect the motorway ring with the street circuit. The mapped territory is sparsely built-up, only a small part of the area on the north-east side is covered by single-family houses, on the west side there is an old brick-kiln. The subsoil is made up of paleozoic rocks which are covered with rocks from the cretaceous and quaternary age. The map is primarily designed as exposed. It was constructed using archive materials but also a detailed terrain mapping. In the work I describe the geological, engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of the area and I create a purpose-built engineering geological map and a map of documentation points. The engineering geological map serves only as a reference base. The realization of tunnel construction will require a detailed engineering geological research.
This work deals with constructing a detailed purpose-built engineering geological 1:5000 map of a part of Prague 5, where the tunnel of "Radlická radiála" will be excavated. This radial is designed to connect the motorway ring with the street circuit. The mapped territory is sparsely built-up, only a small part of the area on the north-east side is covered by single-family houses, on the west side there is an old brick-kiln. The subsoil is made up of paleozoic rocks which are covered with rocks from the cretaceous and quaternary age. The map is primarily designed as exposed. It was constructed using archive materials but also a detailed terrain mapping. In the work I describe the geological, engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of the area and I create a purpose-built engineering geological map and a map of documentation points. The engineering geological map serves only as a reference base. The realization of tunnel construction will require a detailed engineering geological research.