Venkovské město, kultura a etnografie
Provincial town, culture and etnography
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 27335
- Kvalifikační práce [23729]
Sochorová, Ludmila
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Arts
Institute of Ethnology
Date of defense
25. 9. 2006
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakultaLanguage
Eleonory a Marie Proskovych, uCitelek a etnografickych badatelek. Starsl Eleonora byla jednou z ureujicich osob prvnich let existence turnovskeho muzea, byla tvurkyni muzejnich sbirek lidoveho textilu a predevsim velkou znalkyni problematiky turnovskeho kroje. Mladsi Marie najeji etnografickou praci plynule a na urovni navazala a dala ji jiz skrze publikaeni Cinnost naznak vedecke fundovanosti. Zivotni drahy sester nebyly na svoji dobu nijak vyjimeene, ba prave naopak. Pochazely ze zrejme nepfilis bohate prazske mest'anske rodiny. Prosly vzdelanim, ktere jim bylo v dane dobe a ekonomickych a spoleeenskych podminkach dostupne. Obe se v mladem veku rozhodly pro uCitelskou drahu, ktere byly verne az do sveho penzionovanl. Protoze vsak kaMa z nich byla pfislusnici jine generace, odrazil se jejich vekovy odstup i na moznostech vzdelcini, ktereho mohly dosahnout. Eleonora zahajila svoji pedagogickou karieru jeste v Praze, ale zahy, v roce 1872, prichazi do Turnova, kde nejprve na obecne a pozdeji na mest'anske skole temer 40 let vyueovala rueni prace. Zapojila se do kulturniho a spoleeenskeho zivota Turnovska, kde, jako ve vetSine ceskych mest, byla v tomto smeru ureujici vlastenecka orientace, zamerujici se na propagaci myslenky cesstvl. Spolupracovala s muzeem, ktere se od sveho vzniku profilovalo rovnez...
Eleonora and Marie Prosek were the teachers and ethnography research workers, which on the break 19 and 20 century worked in Turnov. Their fates show us what acceptance had ideas of women emancipation among active women in small provincial town. Their interest in ethnography show us beginning of ethnography as a scientific branch and what importance had women in that. Eleonora was born on 13 th December 1844 in Prague and Marie was born on 10 th February 1858 also in Prague. Sisters obvious come from family, which came under the middle classes. In Prague sisters attended the school. Sisters were venerable much distant and so possibilities of education they had different. Eleonora gained education of teacher of needlework, but Marie was able to gain education on school for teachers and started to teach also specialist subjects. To Turnov came Eleonora in 1872 and started to teach needlework on school for girls. In this time she was interesting of national dresses and textile. This interest she specified from 1886 in cooperation with museum in Turnov. She cooperated also on preparation on big exhibitions in 90. 19 century, which took place in Prague. She completed national dress of Turnov and lake the first she described national dress of Turnov, which retained in 80. 19 century. With museum she cooperated to...