Abeceda anatomie pro logopedy: Svaly hlavy, krku a dýchací svaly. Hlavové nervy.
A Guide to the Anatomy for Logopedia: The Muscles of the Head, Throat and Breathing Muscles. Nervi craniales
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
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Study Information System: 21507
- Kvalifikační práce [19159]
Růžičková, Hana
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Education
Special Education
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Date of defense
24. 5. 2007
Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakultaLanguage
Pra'ce bude smeřˇovat k vytvorěni' studijni'ho materia' lu nejen pro studenty logopedie, ale i pro odborni'ky z praxe. Studijni' text bude souhrnem poznatkuř z neˇkolika veďni'ch oboruř , ktere' maji' vztah k logopedicke' problematice, a to anatomie, neurologie a fyzi- oterapie. Pra'ce bude zameřěna na ucelene' zpracova'ni' anatomie svalove'ho syste'mu s mozňosti' vyuzˇ iti' zi'skany'ch znalosti' pro jednotlive' oblasti logopedicke' pe'cě. Soucˇa' sti' pra'ce bude i vhled do problematiky hlavovy'ch nervuř a cˇiti'. V pra'ci bude veňova'no mi'sto i na' stinumozňosti' testova'ni' svaluř a svalovy'ch skupin, ktere' budou obsahemtohoto textu.
Theworkwill aim at creating a studymaterial not only for students of speech therapy but also for experts working in the field. The text will represent a summary of facts from several branches of science which relate to issues of speech therapy, namely anatomy, neurology, and physiotherapy. The work will focus on a comprehensive survey of the anatomy of the system of muscles enabling its application in individual areas of speech therapy. The work will also offer an insight into issues concerning cranial nerves and sensing. A short survey of possibilities of testing muscles and muscle groups discussed in this text will be presented.