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European Union Artificial Intelligence Regulation: framework and discussion
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023The research aims to examine how and to what extent the media, outlets that are perceived as the most influential by the EU decision-makers in Brussels, translate the European Commission's, the main promoter, discourse on ... -
A Theoretical Exploration of the Relationship Between Billionaire Legitimacy and Neoliberal Legitimacy
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023 -
Valuation of Companies in the Technological industry of Emerging Markets
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2023This thesis aims to examine the relationship between various asset pricing fac- tors and the returns of IT stocks in the CEE region. Specifically, it investigates the significance of traditional CAPM beta, MMR (Micro Minus ... -
Politika starostlivosti o duševné zdravie v Českej republike a na Slovensku z perspektívy historického inštitucionalizmu
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023The aim of this thesis is to provide the reader with a comprehensive view of institutional developments in the area of mental health policy in the two compared countries - the Czech Republic and Slovakia. These countries ... -
Advancing Space Security in the 21st Century - Private Actors and Governance of Space
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023Björn Mielke Study Program Academic Advisor 50684234 Master of International Security Studies Mgr. Luka Nikolić Diploma thesis project Advancing Space Security in the 21st Century - Private Actors and Governance of Space ... -
Chinese and US health diplomacy as a soft power tool during Ebola and COVID-19 epidemics
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2023This master's thesis addresses health diplomacy as a tool of 'soft power' and focuses on a comparative analysis of the health strategies of China and the United States. It examines health policy strategy as a means of ... -
Poverty, Population, and Energetical Progress in European Union
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2023Energy poverty is closely connected to the current energy transformation focused on the utilization of renewable sources of energy. The thesis aims to evaluate whether European Union countries are prepared to tackle energy ... -
Does the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine accelerate Italy's green energy transition? Analysing the impacts of the war on Italy's natural gas security of supply and green energy transition
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023In the wake of the 2022 Russian-Ukrainian War, Italy's natural gas security and green transition have come under scrutiny. This thesis explores the impact of the conflict on Italy's energy landscape, focusing on its natural ... -
Analýza nedělních příloh deníků České slovo a Venkov ve vybraných letech
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 19. 9. 2023The diploma thesis Analysis of the Sunday Columns of České Slovo and Venkov in Selected Years is devoted to the analysis of sunday supplements and columns of the daily newspapers České slovo and Venkov in 1933 and 1943. ... -
Diaspora and Media: Pakistani Shia Muslims in Norway
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 22. 9. 2023The study focuses on the Pakistani Shia Muslim diaspora residing in Oslo. The study will explore how living in a technologically advanced era of the internet, along with having a diaspora identity, influences the cultural ... -
Vizuální reprezentace žen v módním časopise Vogue
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023This thesis "The Visual Representation of Women in Vogue" examines the changes in the portrayal of women in Vogue over time, comparing this phenomenon across three global editions of the magazine - the domestic version of ... -
Critique of the United States in the Work of West German Intellectuals in the Post-War Period
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2023This thesis examines postwar criticism of the United States in the writings of four West German intellectuals: Hans Werner Richter, Karl Barth, Ernst von Salomon, and Leo L. Matthias. It views their reflection in the context ... -
Komunikace tiskového mluvčího prezidenta republiky Jiřího Ovčáčka na sociální sítí Twitter v období invaze na Ukrajině
Výsledek obhajoby: NEOBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 19. 9. 2023The master thesis deals with the political communication of Jiří Ovčáček, the spokesman of President Miloš Zeman, on the social network Twitter. It analyses his communication during the two months, before and after the ... -
Jazykoví influenceři na českých sociálních sítích
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023The present work is concerned with social network accounts that can be termed language influencers. These profiles post interesting language facts (e.g. the origin of words and semantic change) or address language phenomena ... -
Migrace a rozvoj: Vliv a dopady remitencí z Evropy a Ruska do Arménie.
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023- English Migration, transnationalism and remittances are phenomena that receive a lot of attention in social sciences. As part of remittances, this attention is amplified by their economical impact on the economies of ... -
Vývoj datové investigativní žurnalistiky na příkladu zpracování velkých datových úniků
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 18. 9. 2023This thesis aims to describe and explain the issue of data leaks and their impact on journalistic practice. The research is based on already available definitions of terms related to the phenomenon and in-depth interviews ... -
Mediálna reprezentácia LGBTQ+ komunity: komparatívna štúdia vybranej českej a slovenskej tlače
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023The upcoming democratic regime and the liberalization of society related to the gentle revolution gave queer people the courage to try to claim their place in society. Despite the efforts of activists, equality of LGBTQ+ ... -
Vzájemná podpora žen v politických stranách jako možná cesta k rovnosti zastoupení žen a mužů
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023The theme of this paper is mutual support between women in political parties as one of the means to improve equal representation of women in politics. The theoretical part of the paper illustrates that the causes of low ... -
Mongolia: A land between the Bear and the Dragon
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 15. 9. 2023This study delves into the geopolitics of buffer states, using Mongolia as a case study, providing a comprehensive analysis of its role in geopolitics. The research focuses on how Mongolia's interactions with Russia and ... -
Motivace migrace mladých dospělých z Moravskoslezského kraje do Hlavního města Prahy
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 18. 9. 2023The topic of this thesis is the motivation of migration of young adults from the Moravian- Silesian region to the capital city of Prague. With the help of qualitative research, the thesis tries to present the motivation ... -
The role played by social media in the migration-related decision- making process in the case of international students of Charles University.
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 22. 9. 2023The last decades have seen a growing number of international students. States and institutions all around the world are trying to attract students from abroad. Nowadays, to reach the target group they are putting information ... -
Special Laws Implemented by the Governments of Italy and Albania in Response to the Outbreak of Coronavirus
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023 -
Frontex: A Gendarmerie of the EU or just a Border Assistance?
Výsledek obhajoby: NEOBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023This research focuses on the Civil-Security Relations between the EU and its border agency, FRONTEX. Relationships between the state and its border guards vary wildly in space and time in terms of the level of militarization, ... -
Parlamentní reprezentace v České republice. Poslanci a senátoři v době krize reprezentativní demokracie a vlády politických stran
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 25. 9. 2023The Czech party system underwent significant reconfiguration in the second decade of the 21st century. The presented research focuses on MPs (deputies) and senators navigating this dynamic environment, specifically examining ... -
Free Speech and Nationalism: The Case Study of Vlaams Belang
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023 -
Od vítězství po krizi: Proměna mediálního rámování vládnutí kabinetu Petra Fialy na stránkách Týdeníku Echo a na názorovém webu Echo24
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 18. 9. 2023This diploma thesis deals with the framing of topics in the Echo Weekly and in the opinion section of the Echo24 website. It tries to record how tribal authors evaluated the activities of Petr Fiala's government during one ... -
Media imperialism and its possible influence on identity perception: The case of Lebanese youth
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2023Western media imperialism in the Global South has long been a discussion in media studies. Lebanon, a country in the Levantine region, is often characterized by its conflicting Arab and Western identities. This study ... -
Role of Pro-State Militias in the Political System in Ukraine
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023This diploma thesis examines the impact of ultra-nationalist pro-state militias with a radical political ideology on the stability and functioning of democratic systems. The observed cases encompass the Ukrainian Azov ... -
Vzpomínání v postapokalyptickém světě: Anticipační paměť v postapokalyptických seriálech na téma pandemie
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 19. 9. 2023This thesis aims to explore the relationship between future, present and past in the context of memory creation in post-apocalyptic media content. Using the concept of anticipatory memory, the aim is to discover how ... -
Media Framing: Transformation of Nursultan Nazarbayev's Image in the US Media
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 22. 9. 2023The thesis deals with U.S. media coverage of Kazakhstan's first president Nursultan Nazarbayev between 2011 and 2022. Using Bourdieu's theory of journalistic field and Entman's concept of media framing, the content analysis ... -
Pandemie covidu-19 očima zahraničních zpravodajů Českého rozhlasu
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 19. 9. 2023The covid pandemic has affected both mainstream domestic and foreign news coverage. This thesis examines how the spread of the disease affected the work of Czech Radio reporters. How did they have to adapt, what impact did ... -
Role médií a mediálních sdělení v seriálu Vyprávěj
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 19. 9. 2023The thesis entitled The Role of Media and Media Messages in the TV series Vyprávěj deals with the use of media and media messages in all episodes of the popular Czech television series Vyprávěj. The thesis looks at all the ... -
Zahraniční politika Itálie k Libyi v kontextu externalizace migračních kontrol
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 22. 9. 2023Since approximately the 1990s, the countries of southern Europe have been developing a policy of so-called externalization or transferring responsibility for immigration and asylum procedures and obligations to other ... -
Strategies for closing the gender pay gap Case of California, Luxembourg and the Philippines.
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023Strategies for Closing the Gender Pay Gap Case of California, Luxembourg, and the Philippines. Asiegbunam Anthonate Chiamaka 19080653 Equal Pay for Equal Work. It's Common Sense. It's Also Overdue. Let's Close the Gap and ... -
Budování kapacit malého státu s agenturou Evropské unie: Případ České republiky a Agentury Evropské unie pro Kosmický program (EUSPA)
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2023The main goal of this master's thesis is to discover why states are keen on acquiring an agency of the European Union from a perspective of the states' administration's approach towards the agency and its domain after ... -
Human Rights abuses from Non-European countries: the case of Italy and Egypt
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 6. 7. 2023Laws, States, Embassies, Ambassadors, Europe, Middle East, and Human Rights. This multitude of concepts is the core of this thesis. Starting from a legal perspective, the author has tried to see what a state can or cannot ... -
How have far-right parties impacted political discourse in the European Parliament from 2013 to 2015?
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023The present research proposes an analysis of discourse that has impacted different political parties in the European Parliament (EP) to become more susceptible to anti-immigration rhetoric and the far-right agenda. The ... -
The arms trade between the European Union and Mexico
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2023This research aims to analyze the factors influencing the misuse of arms trade between the European Union and Mexico. Through an abductive thematic analysis methodology, the study observes and records available information ... -
Mind the Gap! A Cross-National Panel Study on the Relation Between Ideological Extremism and the Two Measures of Affective Polarisation
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 6. 7. 2023Foundational research on affective polarisation conceptualised the concept as polarised sentiments between partisan citizens (voter affective polarisation). However, later research focused on polarised sentiments towards ... -
Exploring the Evolution of Media Representations - An Analysis of Russia-German Aussiedler in the German Print Media Surrounding the Ukraine war of 2022
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 6. 7. 2023This thesis explores the qualitative shifts in German media discourse following the outbreak of the Ukraine war in February 2022, with a specific focus on the Russian-German Aussiedler, a Russianspeaking minority residing ...