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Zobrazují se záznamy 2881-2940 z 18324
The economic warfare of the European Union against Russia: An assessment of the political effects
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022This research intercepts the need for a more in dept study of sanctions' effectiveness. While the US are well studied upon, the EU does not manage to obtain the same amount of academic attention. With the importance of the ... -
Necropolitics and technology: The rhetorical evolution of U.S. border strategy from 1994-2022
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022In recent years, following President Donald Trump's vocal anti-immigrant declaration, turmoil has continued to intensify at the US-Mexico border. With an increased drive to securitize the border, there has been an increase ... -
The same pieces to a different puzzle? Comparing radicalisation towards right-wing and Islamist extremism
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022In recent years, there has been an increase in the presence of far right sentiments and exposure in the Netherlands, numbers show that especially youth seem to be vulnerable to such radicalisation. Youth in general are ... -
A comparison of online news media framing of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict in Ukraine, Russia, the U.S. & China
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 20221 Title: A Comparison of Online News Media Framing of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict in Ukraine, Russia, the U.S. & China. July 2022 University of Glasgow ID: 2574393Q Dublin City University ID: 20109351 Charles University ... -
Misinformation & Pegasus Project: Case study of India
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022This thesis analyses the mainstream media's reporting around Pegasus spyware in India and the subsequent formation of revisionist networks showing solidarity with news circulated by mainstream media on social media. This ... -
Framing artificial intelligence: The interplay between AI policies and security in the European Union
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly more embedded into our lives. Hence, the literature that explores the new technology is vast. However, there is a lack of resources that address how the technology is framed at ... -
The architecture of peace: A discourse analysis of NATO's Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022This paper studies the discursive construction of peace during the NATO Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan. Based on the argument that the mission in Afghanistan had a biased peace discourse, which was not based on ... -
The challenges raised by the application of International Humanitarian Law to information warfare
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022In wartime, information is essential and decisive for the conduct of hostilities. It is the foundational element of intelligence, the basis of the war narrative galvanising the society but also, a weapon. International ... -
A place of safety: Rethinking "everyday" security and peacebuilding in Northern Ireland
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 12. 10. 2022The latter half of the twentieth century in Northern Ireland was defined by "the Troubles", a brutal sectarian conflict between the country's Catholic and Protestant populations. Since the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, ... -
The 2015 Migration Crisis and Mainstream Left-wing Parties' Positions on Immigration
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 23. 8. 2022Undoubtedly the question of immigration is currently a divisive political issue in Europe, on both national and Union levels, particularly following the 2015 intense influx of migrants fleeing armed conflicts in the ... -
Between the Exploitation and Benefit: International and Non-governmental Organisations in Intelligence Operations
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2019In some operations, national intelligence agencies decide to use International and Non- governmental organisations (INGOs) as a cover for intelligence gathering or covert action. Publicised cases of such operations show ... -
Tracking the Flow of Military Assets and Logistics for OSINT: The Case of the Syrian Civil War
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019Tracking the Flow of Military Assets and Logistics for OSINT: The Case of the Syrian Civil War July 2019 2338035 17116325 25113386 Presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of International Master ... -
Deterring cyberthreats - The Baltic States and the search for a theory of cyberdeterrence
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2019This dissertation consists of three parts and has a twofold research interest. The research interest lies in finding a theory of cyberdeterrence as well as the pragmatic challenge of unconventional warfare at NATO's Eastern ... -
Unwelcome Chinese Economic, Political, and Military Influence: How Australia Serves as an Example in Combating Chinese Influence
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019Chinese engagement worldwide has increased significantly as the country has continued to grow. With increased engagement militarily, economically, politically, etc. concerns have increased surrounding Chinese foreign ... -
Moving Toward Strategic Cyber War Theory? Analysis of Russian State-backed Cyber Attacks
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022This thesis analysed cyber-attacks conducted by two pairs of nation states (Russia/Ukraine and Iran/Israel) against each other, through the lens of Jan Kallberg's Strategic Cyberwar Theory in order to determine if elements ... -
(De)Securitization of Migration in Germany
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019This research explores the (de)securitization of migration in the German case through qualitative Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). By coding multiple primary sources of speech acts of two actors from the political elite, ... -
Three Shades of Green: Anthropocentric, Biocentric, and Ecocentric Conceptualisation of Green Violence
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2019This dissertation aims to contribute to a better understanding of two things: First, how does the security paradigm work through the three environmental ethics worldviews of anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism ... -
The Role of Data during the European Migration Crisis: Frontex and Data Management
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019This research is designed to address the usage of situational and personal data by the EU Border Agency, Frontex as a result of securitization processes during the European Migration Crisis. In doing so, this study applies ... -
Xenofobie a rasismus v nedávné dánské politice? Vývoj dánské cizinecké legislativy a její novelizace v roce 2002
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2007)Datum obhajoby: 19. 6. 2007 -
Evropská společnost
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2006)Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2006 -
Marketingová komunikace společnosti Madeta a.s. v roce 2008
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2009)Datum obhajoby: 15. 6. 2009 -
Marketing Campaign of Ministry of Agriculture on Support of Organic Food and Ecological Agriculture in 2008
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2009)Datum obhajoby: 15. 6. 2009 -
Evropská unie a západní Balkán - od stabilizace k rozšíření
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2007)Datum obhajoby: 25. 6. 2007Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd / Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1 info@fsv.cuni.cz, tel: 222 112 111 www.fsv.cuni.cz Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací ... -
Příčiny selhání PPP projektů
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2007)Datum obhajoby: 27. 6. 2007The paper aims to identify and analyse the reasons for the failure of public - private partnership projects (PPPs). PPPs are a common means of ensuring public services or public infrastructure. In the Czech Republic, this ... -
Fotografie na internetových zpravodajských serverech
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2008)Datum obhajoby: 17. 6. 2008Photographs are an indispensable tool for visual communication of internet news servers. This bachelor thesis describes the formal and technical aspects of visual news in internet (or on-line) journalism. Aspects are ... -
Česká a francouzská evropská politika s ohledem na východní rozšíření Evropské unie
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2006)Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2006European Community has experienced different kinds of devellopement. Deeping of political integration and member states enlargement are examples of the most important ones. The question of enlargement about central european ... -
Stereotypy v módní fotografii v ženských časopisech
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2008)Datum obhajoby: 17. 6. 2008Bachelor thesis "Stereotypes in Fashion Photography in Women's magazines deals with the question of using stereotypes in media. The theoretical part of the work is concentrated on the two main issues connected with thesis ... -
The Serbian Orthodox Church's Engagement in Memory Politics of Post-2000 Serbia: Memory of Suffering and Resistance
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 15. 9. 2022Čím více jsou pozdně moderní společnosti roztříštěné, tím větší mají potřebu ukotvení v přítomnosti skrze minulost. Hledání kolektivní paměti jako předpokladu kolektivní sounáležitosti je obzvláště naléhavé ve světle ... -
The response of Dutch political journalists to the counter-narrative from right-wing populist parties PVV and FvD to the securitization of COVID-19
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 16. 9. 2022This study explored how political journalists enact the counter-response from right-wing populist parties PVV and FvD to the securitization of COVID-19 in the Netherlands. The study conducted seven semi-structured interviews ... -
PPPs and Infrastrastructure Financing: Making Sense of Czechia's Experience
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022Although the literature on PPPs in Europe generally has mainly discussed issues around the frameworks that are required for PPP policies to strive there has not been any study that has sought to discuss the extent to which ... -
Justification and Limits of State Coercion in Liberal Democracies: Reconciling Binding Welfare State Policies and a Reformed Classical Liberalism
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 25. 7. 2022CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Department of Political Science Peter Wedekind Justification and Limits of State Coercion in Liberal Democracies: Reconciling Binding Welfare ... -
Bank's performance in low and negative interest rate environment
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2022Dissertation thesis Banks' performance in low and negative interest rate environment Author: Mgr. Petr Hanzl'ık Abstract This dissertation consists of four empirical papers that focus on the performance of banks in the low ... -
Analysis of Bilateral Cooperation Between Greece and the Balkans
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2022 -
Důvody migrace z jihu na sever Itálie a její důsledky
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2022Migration within Italy began on a larger scale already after the Second World War, and in the following decades it resulted in the imaginary division of the state into an economically strong north and a weaker south. The ... -
Tax avoidance by multinational corporations: An empirical analysis based on firm-level data
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 5. 10. 2022Tax avoidance by multinational corporations An empirical analysis based on firm-level data Author: Sarah Godar Abstract In this thesis, I use confidential firm-level data from the Microdatabase Direct Investment (MiDi ... -
Taking care of an elder relative: options in Russia
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022The topic of care for seniors considers a variety of aspects related not only to the elderly people themselves but also to their relatives or other caretakers and, usually, to the institutions. Those are, for instance, the ... -
M. R. Štefánik a slovensko-francúzske vzťahy od roku 1993
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 20. 9. 2022M. R. Štefánik and Slovak-French relations since the year 1993 Lucia Beňušová ABSTRACT: Master thesis "M. R. Štefánik and Slovak-French relations since the year 1993" focuses on the second life of a historical personality ... -
Three Essays on Data-Driven Methods in Asset Pricing and Forecasting
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 12. 10. 2022This dissertation thesis consists of three papers focusing on applications of data-driven methods in asset pricing and forecasting. In the first paper, we decompose the term structure of crude oil futures prices using ... -
Essays in Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Economic Studies Essays in Behavioural and Experimental Economics Abstract for Dissertation thesis Author: Mgr. Jindřich Matoušek Study program: Economics and ... -
Finský experiment s minimálním zaručeným příjmem a validita výstupů pro ČR
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2022This Bachelor thesis pursues the topic of Finlands' basic income experiment 2017 - 2018, and its validity for the Czech Republic. The main focus of this thesis is on describing the experiment and contextualizing it within ... -
Stranické systémy na komunální úrovni: Případová studie okresu Benešov
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 11. 10. 2022The thesis keens on the analysis and development of the party systems in the cities and towns of the Benešov district. The thesis primarily concerns on existence of political parties on the local level, creation of electoral ... -
Geopolitický význam GIUK
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 11. 10. 2022The following thesis is focusing on the geopolitical as well as geostrategic significance of the GIUK Gap. In addition to an overview of the realist theories of international relations used in the analysis as such, the ... -
Zhroucené obce v České republice
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 25. 10. 2022The presented dissertation thesis deals with endangered municipalities, where a specific threat to the municipality can potentially lead to the extinction of self-government. The phenomenon of endangered municipalities has ... -
Zločin a trest v televizním zpravodajství
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 12. 10. 2022The thesis deals with the media representation of crime and crime news as a specific image of reality. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the role of the media in the process of defining crime as one of the risks in ... -
Tschechische Dualformen im Wandel
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 31. 1. 2022 -
Modularita jako vlastnost mediální sémiotiky a dalších metod
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2022This dissertation explores specifics of media semiotics as a method of media content analysis. The main research sample consists of mediasemiotic studies, in the second place of studies within other applied semiotics and ... -
Strukturální limity systému podpory zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 19. 10. 2022The thesis focuses on what are the structural limits of the system of support for employment of persons with disabilities. To answer the research question, great attention is first devoted to getting acquainted with ... -
Analysis of the Effects of Sri Lankan 1977 External Economic Liberalization Policy on Foreign Direct Investment
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2022The Synthetic Control Method (SCM) provides the comparative case-study evaluation on Sri Lanka and other 18 countries in this research paper. The external economic liberalization policy implemented in 1977 has significant ... -
Gender equality, women's participation in the post-conflict society, and civil war recurrence
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022A large amount of academic literature demonstrated that intrastate conflicts often occur in countries that have already experienced civil war. This reoccurring pattern forced several researchers to analyze which factors ... -
Arab Political Representation in Israel: Goals and Obstacles
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2022This bachelor's thesis puts into context the current development of Israeli Arab political representation. It builds upon the existing situation in Israel, where Arabs and Jews do not enjoy equal positions on many levels. ... -
Zhroucené obce v České republice
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 28. 9. 2022The presented dissertation thesis deals with endangered municipalities, where a specific threat to the municipality can potentially lead to the extinction of self-government. The phenomenon of endangered municipalities has ... -
Proces vytváření institutu dětského ombudsmana v České republice
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022The diploma thesis maps a fifteen-year period of repeated and so far unsuccessful efforts to establish the office of the Ombudsman for Children in the Czech Republic. It divides this period into several stages, and for ... -
Obraz nepřítele v současných vojenských operacích: komparace zásahů v Iráku a Libyi
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 14. 9. 2022Diploma thesis "Depicting the Enemy in the current Military Operations: A Comparison of Interventions in Iraq and Libya" deals with the events after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and the war in Iraq and related ... -
Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: A Case Study on Italy
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 30. 9. 2022Diplomacy has traditionally been considered as a stately activity privileged to professional diplomats interacting behind closed doors. However, the significant changes in international relations and communication in the ... -
Gender and LGBTQI+ Politics in the 2020 Belarusian Movement
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 22. 6. 2022Throughout the summer of 2020, Belarus received extensive international media coverage of its non-violent demonstrations arising in response to the disputed re-election of Alexander Lukashenka and the violent crackdown ... -
Pakistani Foreign Fighters in Afghanistan, Kashmir and Syria: A Comparative Analysis of Drivers of Radicalization
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019This study compares the drivers of radicalization of Pakistani foreign fighters in Afghanistan, Kashmir and Syria. It tries to understand what unique drivers attract Pakistani foreign fighters to each of these conflict ... -
Why Smaller States Recalibrate Military Alliances? A Comparative Study of RP-US and ROK-US Alliances
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019This article comparatively examines the South Korean-US and Filipino-US alliances amid the rise of China. It pays attention to analysing how and why Washington's smaller allies distinctly recalibrate the breadth and depth ... -
Balancing Sovereignty and Security: US and Canadian approaches to the changing Artic defence environment
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2019Balancing Sovereignty and Security: US and Canadian approaches to the changing Arctic defence environment July 2019 2080670H 17116139 36028184 Presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of International ... -
From Russia with Fear: The Presence of Emotion in Russian Disinformation Tweets
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2019Russian disinformation continues to be an ongoing issue in the present security environment. International organisations (e.g. EU) and researchers highlight that emotional appeals (mostly related to fear, anger, and ... -
Disinformation and Propaganda as Tools of Influence in Cyber Space
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2022)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 20221 Information is a vital instrument for waging war against an adversary. In the past, information was utilised as an addition to the element of physical warfare. In the modern era, winning the informational aspect is as ...