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Reprezentační neuronové sítě pro diferencovatelné renderování objemu
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 14. 2. 2024This thesis investigates the possibility of using a representation neural network as a data structure for an appearance prediction model. We present the representation network as an adaptation of the popular neural radiance ... -
Mapping of changes in optical and magneto-optical responses of Ni-Mn-Ga thin films across martensitic transformation and strain relaxation
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 8. 2. 2024This thesis studies optical and magneto-optical responses of thin epitaxial Ni-Mn- Ga films prepared by magnetron sputtering. The relative permittivity tensor spectra were computed from the spectroscopic ellipsometry data ... -
Příprava nanočástic přechodných kovů a jejich oxidů pomocí plynových agregačních zdrojů
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 8. 2. 2024This work focuses on the synthesis of nanoparticles of vanadium, titanium and their oxides. Magnetron-based gas aggregation source was used for nanoparticle preparation. Metallic nanoparticles of vanadium and titanium ... -
Representation of Gay and Bisexual Women in Video Games and Players' Attitudes: An Empirical Study
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 14. 2. 2024The aim of this empirical study was to examine how players' explicit and implicit attitudes towards content depicted in a video game influence their interaction with the game and their game experience. In order to do so, ... -
Ultrarychlá dynamika nosičů náboje ve 2D materiálech
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 25. 3. 2024Title: Ultrafast dynamics of charge carriers in 2D materials Author: Bc. Petr Koutenský Department: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Supervisor: RNDr. Martin Kozák, Ph.D., Department of Chemical Physics and Optics ... -
Information Extraction from structured business documents by learning from similarity
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 21. 9. 2023The automation of document processing is gaining recent attention due to the great potential to reduce manual work through improved methods and hardware. In this area, neural networks have been applied before - even though ... -
Forward and Backward Modelling of Spectroscopic Diagnostics in Fusion Plasmas
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 11. 3. 2024Title: Forward and Backward Modelling of Spectroscopic Diagnostics in Fusion Plasmas Author: Matěj Tomeš Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Mgr. Jakub Seidl, Ph.D., Institute of Plasma Physics ... -
Object layout in a 2D room based on text description
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 5. 2. 2024This thesis presents a solution for generating structured description a 2D map of a room from a bird's eye view based on textual description in Czech. It focuses on identifying physical objects and their mutual relative ... -
Simulation of rings surrounding the progenitor of SN1987A
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 14. 2. 2024SN1987A, the first supernova visible by the naked eye since 1600s, is anomalous by existence of preexisting triple ring nebula around it. One candidate explanation of the nebula is a binary merger of SN1987A's progenitors. ... -
Kvantové jizvení v mnohočásticových systémech
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 9. 2. 2024In this work, we will introduce the concept of quantum scarring. Quantum scarring refers to the states inside the chaotic parts of spectra, which significantly differ from predictions for chaotic states. In this work, we ... -
Investigation of Ir(Ox)-Ru(Oy) thin-film catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction in proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 24. 1. 2024The main focus of this work is the investigation of the anode catalysts for the Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers (PEM-WEs). PEM-WEs play a pivotal role in the hydrogen economy concept as they allow water ... -
Extending Data Lineage Analysis for Python with Runtime Types
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 14. 2. 2024There is an increasing demand in the domain of data science for auto- mated tools analyzing the data lineage of software systems. In situations where general-purpose programming languages are used, Python is among the most ... -
Hawkesov proces
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 8. 2. 2024This bachelor thesis is dedicated to Hawkes process. It is divided into six chapters. Chapter one consists of an introduction into the theory of random processes and a de- scription of Poisson process, the second chapter ... -
Generování hudebních symbolů pomocí neuronových sítí
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 5. 2. 2024We create more training data for the optical music recognition (OMR) task by generating artificial images of the music symbols. We follow up Mashcima and the model J. Mayer trained on it. We take the Rebelo dataset (dataset ... -
Motional electromagnetic induction in the subsurface ocean in Europa
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023Europa is one of the Jovian icy moons with confirmed subsurface ocean. Circulation of the ocean in presence of the Jovian ambient magnetic field leads to generation of the ocean-induced magnetic field (OIMF). On Earth, the ... -
Affordable optical measurement methods for predictive rendering
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 19. 9. 2023Predictive rendering, a part of computer graphics, is based on the light transport equation and focuses on accurately predicting the appearance of objects and materials under various conditions. A variety of problems can ... -
Studium variability ionosféry
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 24. 1. 2024Study of ionospheric variability High variability of the ionosphere is connected to geomagnetic, solar, and neutral atmosphere wave activity. Results of scaling analysis of solar data (F10.7, SSN), geomagnetic indices (Dst, ... -
Classes of modules arising in algebraic geometry
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 18. 1. 2024This thesis summarises the author's results in representation theory of rings and schemes, obtained with several collaborators. First, we show that for a quasicompact semiseparated scheme X, the derived category of very ... -
Towards Machine Translation Based on Monolingual Texts
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 9. 2. 2024Title: Towards Machine Translation Based on Monolingual Texts Author: Ivana Kvapilíková Institute: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied ... -
Precision measurement of neutrino oscillations parameters
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 4. 3. 2024The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, located in Southeast China, was de- signed to measure short baseline oscillation of electron antineutrinos originating from six 2.9 GWth nuclear reactors. In 2012, it discovered ... -
Výklad derivace jako podílu diferenciálů
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023 -
The Last Clan - RTS game in Unity
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023This thesis explores the development of a real-time strategy (RTS) game using Unity's Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) and the C# programming lan- guage. RTS games offer captivating real-time battles, requiring players ... -
Material picker: Material recognition in images using machine learning
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 13. 2. 2024The process of setting material properties for realistic appearance after rendering is usually tiresome and often requires carefully crafted skill for fine-tuning the parameters, as different combinations of these parameters ... -
Learning capabilities in Transformer Neural Networks
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 24. 3. 2023Title: Learning Capabilities of the Transformer Neural Networks Author: Dušan Variš Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied ... -
Základy fungování internetu - didaktické materiály pro 2. stupeň ZŠ
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 15. 2. 2024The Framework Educational Programme was revised in the Czech Republic in 2021 to include the basic principles of the Internet and computer networks in teaching computer science at ISCED level 2. According to the new revision, ... -
HCI modely pro multi-objective doporučovací systémy
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 14. 2. 2024One of the most developing research fields of information retrieval are recommender systems. They typically try to recommend a few of the most relevant or most suitable items to users from all the candidates when the number ... -
Group Detection in Crowds Using Spatiotemporal Data
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 13. 2. 2024This thesis addresses the challenge of social group detection in crowds, presenting an algorithm informed by sociological insights into common group formations among pedestrians. Our proposed algorithm demonstrates comparable ... -
Extrakce vícejazyčných valenčních rámců ze závislostních korpusů
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 6. 2. 2024Multilingual valency dictionaries provide helpful information about correspon- dence of valency frames (verbs and their arguments) across various languages. This work aims at developing a program that automatically creates ... -
Performance and Usability Improvements for Data Lineage Analysis of C# Programs
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 14. 2. 2024The Manta Flow is a highly automated static analysis platform producing data lineage over its input and representing it in a graph. The platform performs analysis on various technologies and programming languages via ... -
Terahertzová vodivost nositelů náboje v polovodičích
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 8. 2. 2024In this thesis, we investigate the conductivity spectra of samples of weakly doped gal- lium arsenide in the terahertz region as a function of temperature. These are silicon-doped gallium arsenide of type N and zinc-doped ... -
Diplomacy-Based Strategy Game
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 5. 2. 2024Strategy games are known for allowing players to choose from a vast array of different strategies that can be employed to achieve victory. The major- ity of these games revolve around the standardized pillars of 4X (Explore, ... -
Numerické srovnání algoritmů CGLS a LSQR
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 7. 2. 2024This bachelor thesis deals with the introduction of two mathemati- cally equivalent algorithms, CGLS and LSQR, which can be viewed as versions of the method of conjugate gradients applied to a system of normal equations. ... -
Electrotransport properties of CuMnAs single crystals
Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 26. 10. 2023Electrical transport measurement of small, irregular shape sample is difficult task. In order to overcome these limitations, this thesis employed a focused ion beam microfabrication. Process of microfabrication is successfully ... -
Strukturní parametry martenzitu v Ti slitinách, ovlivněné přítomností atomů kyslíku
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 8. 2. 2024Structure parameters of martensite in Ti alloys modified by presence of oxygen atoms This study discusses the influence of beta-stabilizing elements and oxygen on the martensitic structure in metastable β titanium alloys. ... -
Universal quadratic forms over orders in number fields
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023This thesis studies quadratic forms and lattices over rings of integers in number fields, and, to some extent, over non-maximal orders as well. The main focus is on universality of forms and lattices, and on the connected ... -
Colorings of Infinite Graphs
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023COLORINGS OF INFINITE GRAPHS DÁVID UHRIK Abstract: This thesis focuses on the study of uncountable graphs in relation to Ramsey theory, the chromatic number, and the uncountable Hadwiger conjec- ture. A large part of this ... -
(Im)possibilty results in Proof Complexity and Arithmetic
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 6. 11. 2023Title: (Im)possibilty results in Proof Complexity and Arithmetic Author: Erfan Khaniki Department: Department of Algebra Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Pavel Pudl'ak, DrSc Abstract: We study various problems in proof complexity, ... -
The study on interactions of functional surfaces with biological systems
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2021)Datum obhajoby: 30. 3. 2021Title: The study on interactions of functional surfaces with biological systems Author: Ivana Víšová Department: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of optical and biophysical systems. Supervisor: ... -
Coupled clusters tailored by matrix product state wave functions
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2021)Datum obhajoby: 30. 3. 2021The central problem in the modern electronic structure theory is the calculation of cor- relation energy, possibly by an approach that would account for both static and dynamic correlation in an efficient, balanced and ... -
Computer Modelling of Plasma Processes andTransport for Selected Applications
Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO(Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2009)Datum obhajoby: 17. 12. 2009