Poslední příspěvky

Zobrazují se záznamy 901-1000 z 11239

  • Full centroid molecular dynamics through machine learning 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Crhán, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 1. 9. 2023
    This thesis is concerned with developing new methodology for the more effi- cient execution of centroid molecular dynamics simulations - a method based on the theory of imaginary-time path integrals, commonly used in ...
  • Detection of protein-ligand binding sites using 3D Vision Transformers 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Lopuch, Ondrej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Detection of protein-ligand binding sites plays key role not only in understanding of protein function but it also can be used for computer-aided drug design. Improving these detection can lead to faster drug development. ...
  • Simulations of the magnetic domains dynamics in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pařízek, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Antiferromagnetic materials are promising materials for implementation in spintronic memory devices. In contrast to the more well-known ferromagnetic materials, which are already used in magnetoresistive random access ...
  • Data-to-text generation with text-editing models 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Grajcar, Peter (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    We explore the use of different model extensions of the FELIX neural transformer-based text-editing model for data-to-text generation. Our ap- proach is based on iterative text-editing - transforming the individual items ...
  • Vliv druhů inhibičních neuronů na neuronovou populační dynamiku 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Habart, Daniel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    Canonical models of neural circuits rarely differentiate between inhibitory population subtypes. Due to the recent development of optogenetic techniques, the effect of distinct inhibitory classes may now be analysed. This ...
  • Sparse Approximate Inverse for Enhanced Scalability in Recommender Systems 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Spišák, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In theory, the linear autoencoder EASE is one of the most capable collaborative filtering recommenders for large item domains with sparse user-item feedback. However, the model's weights are determined by the inverse of a ...
  • E-commerce platform designed for continuous optimization and personalization 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Dräxler, Peter (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    The ability of an e-commerce company to collect, synthesize, and utilize data can be vital to its survival. The degree to which a company has the ability to gather data about sources of conversion is proportional to their ...
  • Shape grammars for level generation in an action RPG game 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kalva, Tomáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Third-person 3D action role-playing games inspired by Dark Souls (souls-likes) have recently gained a lot of popularity, but are difficult to develop due to the amount of gameplay and content required. In this thesis, we ...
  • Cellular protein interactions studied by advanced fluorescence imaging methods 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Belejová, Sára (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    This thesis studies an important tumor suppressor, p53, and its interac�on partner, nucleophosmin (NPM), in living cells. Proteins are studied using fluorescence confocal microscopy techniques such as fluorescence life�me ...
  • Work and heat at the mesoscale 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pajger, Šimon (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 1. 9. 2023
    Title: Work and heat at the mesoscale Author: Bc. Šimon Pajger Department: Department of Macromolecular Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Artem Ryabov, Ph.D., KMF MFF UK Abstract: Understanding the conversion between heat and work ...
  • Nerovnovážná Brownovská dynamika v periodických potenciálech 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Paidar, Jaroslav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    The collective dynamics of Brownian particles in porous structures is an important topic for both theory and experiment. A good understanding of Brownian dynamics of interacting particles moving in one dimension has recently ...
  • Editor a repozitář dokumentů pro uživatele kolaborující v reálném čase 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kloda, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Online document editors are useful tools that allow users to create, edit, and often also store and share documents. Some editors additionally support collaborative real-time editing for multiple users, allowing them to ...
  • Psychometrická analýza Lawsonova testu vědeckého uvažování 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Landa, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023
    The thesis discusses the concept of formal reasoning and determination of its level. The content of the thesis was processing of data from the Czech republic, which was collected via Lawson's test of formal reasoning. ...
  • Data Lineage Analysis Service for Embedded Code 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Jurčo, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Data integration tools often use embedded code for data manipulation tasks. Popular examples of such tools include AWS Glue data integration service, Databricks platform, Snowflake data cloud or SQL Server Integration ...
  • Throughput optimization of a multistage data visualisation pipeline 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Molnárová, Soňa (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Recent technological advances allowed vast increases of the size of datasets acquired by flow cytometry. With more cells and features captured, manual exploration and analysis of the data become challenging; multiple ...
  • Kampa: from a prototype to practical usability 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Rozsypal, Lukáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    Kampa is an experimental general-purpose imperative programming language influ- enced by functional programming. While Kampa offers several potentially useful features, its usability is limited by some properties of its ...
  • Efektivita centralizovaného plánování křižovatek 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Cizl, Eliáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    Vehicle navigation on roads is a complex problem that will probably be solved by using artificial intelligence in key roles. Today, there are cars capable of autonomous driving, but they are dependent on an old infrastructure ...
  • Free boundary problems 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ferková, Terézia (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with the one-phase Bernoulli problem, focusing on the existence and regularity of its solutions. After establishing the necessary preliminary theory on function spaces and convergence in the first chapter, ...
  • Algoritmy pro Minkowského součet mnohoúhelníků 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šimek, Daniel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 12. 9. 2023
    This bachelor's thesis deals with the Minkowski sum of two non-convex polygons in the plane. Specifically, it focuses on describing and comparing two methods for computing the Minkowski sum: the decomposition method and ...
  • XL-zaistenie pre viacero línií 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šuchová, Martina (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 9. 2023
    This paper focuses on simulation modeling of the total aggregate reinsurer claim S when considering XL.reinsurance for multiple insurance lines. In the first part, this re- insurance structure is defined. In the second ...
  • Permutační grupy a míchání karet 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Sekera, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    In this thesis we solve an old problem, named after the magician and mathematician Alex Elmsley, of raising a card to the top of the deck using faro shuffles. Furthermore we examine the group structure generated by these ...
  • Modeling atomic nuclei using supercomputers for precision tests of the Standard model 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Rojik, Matúš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    One of the most important problems of modern theoretical nuclear physics is to accu- rately determine the structure of atomic nuclei. To obtain results that are in agreement with experimental data, one needs to solve the ...
  • Modely pre finančné časové rady a ich softvérová implementácia 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kostárová, Aneta (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with financial time series models and their implementation in soft- ware products. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a description of the volatility models ARCH, GARCH, IGARCH, ARCH-M, GARCH-M, ...
  • Testy nezávislosti pro funkcionální data 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Horská, Šárka (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with tests of serial independence for functional time series. The first part of the thesis introduces the issue of serial independence in time series of random vari- ables. The second part focuses on tests ...
  • Statistical inference in varying coefficient models 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Cichrová, Michaela (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this master thesis we study varying coefficient models, which is a class of models that allow the coefficients to be smooth functions of some effect-modifying variable. We introduce the models in a broader context and ...
  • Teplotně indukovaná rekonstrukce bimetalického katalyzátoru na bázi Pt-Cu pro palivové články 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kučera, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    Fuel cells appear as a promising technology, enabling the replacement of internal combustion engines in the automotive industry. Hydrogen fuel cells with a polymer membrane are particularly suitable for this application. ...
  • Magnetic fields of current loops around black holes 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Vrba, Šimon (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 1. 9. 2023
    We summarize and explain the mathematical procedure that allows us to find the closed form of the magnetic field generated by a test current loop in Kerr spacetime. We consider axisymmetric placement of the loop for all ...
  • Velká dimenze vysvětlujících proměnných v regresních problémech 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Semjonov, Valerij (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    This thesis deals with asymptotic properties of least squares estimators of regression coefficients of linear models with a large dimension of regressors. Particularly, consistency and asymptotic normality are investigated. ...
  • Lineární terahertzová odezva polovodičových nanostruktur 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šándor, Jindřich (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    In this work we study an interaction between electrons in Dirac points and terahertz electromagnetic radiation. First, we find eigenstates of the effective hamiltonian in Dirac points. Then we introduce the interaction ...
  • James-Steinův odhad 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Novotný, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 9. 2023
    In this thesis, we will introduce the James-Stein estimator, we will study its properties and compare them with other estimation methods. We will explain, what is admissibility of an estimator and figure out if our estimators ...
  • Structural aspects of graph coloring 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pekárek, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 9. 5. 2023
    In this thesis, we study the structural and algorithmic properties of graphs embedded or represented in surfaces and with constraints on their faces or cycles. We derive tools to quantify properties of embedded flows and ...
  • Simulace zemětřesení Tottori (Mw 6.1) z r. 2016 pomocí dynamického modelu zdroje 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hronek, Martin (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 5. 9. 2023
    We perform a parametric study for simple elliptical dynamic models of rupture propa- gation. We simulate the earthquake from the central part of Japanese prefecture Tottori in 2016 using a code for a simulation of the ...
  • Study of the solar wind multicomponent structure and its variations in interaction regions 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Celý dokument nebo jeho části jsou nepřístupné do 30. 09. 2025
    Ďurovcová, Tereza (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2022)
    Datum obhajoby: 30. 9. 2022
    The solar wind is a multicomponent plasma consisting of protons, electrons, and smaller amounts of heavy ions. Often, two proton populations moving different speeds occur simultaneously. The more abundant one is called the ...
  • Ultra-weak photon emission from biological samples 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Vahalová, Petra (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 4. 9. 2023
    Oxidative processes are an inseparable part of the life of almost all living organisms. They help to maintain homeostasis but they can also stand behind various dysfunctions or diseases. Therefore, an effective method for ...
  • Experimental study of the dissociative recombination of molecular ions at temperatures relevant to cold interstellar plasma (30 - 300 K) 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Celý dokument nebo jeho části jsou nepřístupné do 11. 09. 2026
    Shapko, Dmytro (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 9. 2023
    TITLE: Experimental Study of the Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions at Temperatures Relevant to Cold Interstellar Plasma (30 - 300 K) AUTHOR: Mgr. Dmytro Shapko DEPARTMENT: Department of Surface and Plasma Science ...
  • Optical and magneto-optical properties of topological and Dirac materials 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Tikuišis, Kristupas Kazimieras (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2023
    Kristupas Kazimieras Tikuišis, Department of Optoelectronics and Magneto- optics, Institute of Physics of Charles University Doctoral thesis: Optical and magneto-optical properties of topological and Dirac materials ...
  • The Gabriel-Roiter measure in representation theory 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Krasula, Dominik (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    The Gabriel-Roiter measure is a module-theoretic invariant, defined in 1972 by P. Gabriel. It is an order-preserving function that refines a composition length of a module by also taking lengths of indecomposable submodules ...
  • Representation theory of gentle algebras 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Mlezivová, Anna (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 9. 2023
    The object of study of this thesis is a special class of quiver algebras called gentle algebras. To study modules over them, we can use a combinatorial or geometric view. Thanks to Theorem 6.1. in the article Chan and ...
  • Metoda sdružených gradientů s deflací 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Piskalla, Adam (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Metoda sdružených gradientů je jednou ze základních iteračních metod pro řešení soustav lineárních algebraických rovnic se symetrickou pozitivně definitní maticí. V práci uvádíme dvě různá odvození této metody a ukazujeme ...
  • Kozaiov-Lidovov mechanizmus v post-newtonovskej aproximácii všeobecnej relativity 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Smorada, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    Pri obehu častice okolo dominantného telesa, v dvojčasticovom systéme, je dráha obie- hajúcej častice pri jednom obehu približne keplerovská elipsa. Ak je tento systém poru- šený tretím telesom, orbitálne elementy dráhy ...
  • Vibrační optická aktivita nukleotidů a kratších segmentů nukleových kyselin 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Jílek, Štěpán (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2021)
    Datum obhajoby: 15. 9. 2021
    1 Nucleotides are organic molecules that have a wide range of functions in living organisms. They participate in cell signaling, serve as cofactors of enzymatic reactions, play a central role in cellular metabolism, and ...
  • Koncentrační nerovnosti pro součty 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Blatská, Tereza (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 26. 6. 2023
    In this bachelor thesis we focus on concentration inequalities for sums of indepen- dent random variables, which are bounded and not necessarily identically distributed. The main pillar of the thesis is Hoeffding's inequality, ...
  • Relevantní deformace v teorii pole otevřených strun 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Scheinpflug, Jaroslav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    String field theory takes string perturbation theory off-shell and since the different vacua of string theory are described by conformal field theories, it is tempting to use string field theory to describe conformal ...
  • Portfolio performance evaluation 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Simonov, Dmitry (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    The goal of this work is to develop a tool for tracking and analysis of investment portfolios, with support for automatic financial data retrieval and highly customizable chart creation. In this thesis, we research existing ...
  • Extraction and representation of unified metadata from files and file systems based on data formats 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Čermák, Marek (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 6. 2023
    This thesis documents the process of analyzing, designing, and implementing a soft- ware tool able to accept files in various formats, inspect them in depth, and produce a graph in the Resource Description Framework that ...
  • Teoretické a empirické kvantily a ich využitie pri konštrukcií predikčných intervalov 

    Výsledek obhajoby: NEOBHÁJENO
    Šimičák, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    The purpose of the bachelor thesis is to introduce the reader to two approaches to the construction of prediction intervals. The first procedure assumes a probabilistic model and leads to a frequentist prediction interval ...
  • Procedural Generator of Short Detective-like Stories 

    Výsledek obhajoby: NEOBHÁJENO
    Iudin, Denis (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2022)
    Datum obhajoby: 13. 9. 2022
    Procedural generation of interactive stories is still an understudied area, most of the work on which is purely academic, while the application of these technologies in a practical, for a wide audience, area promises good ...
  • Kontrola magnetické anizotropie v multivrstvách Pt/Co/Pt 

    Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO
    Nowak, Lukáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 10. 7. 2023
    This thesis aims to explore the effect of in situ ion gun etching on magnetic proper- ties, such as perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, of Pt/Co/Pt multilayers. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is of interest due to its ...
  • Using reinforcement learning to learn how to play text-based games 

    Výsledek obhajoby: UZNÁNO
    Zelinka, Mikuláš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 5. 2023
    The ability to learn optimal control policies in systems where action space is defined by sentences in natural language would allow many interesting real-world applications such as automatic optimisation of dialogue systems. ...
  • Playing a 3D Tunnel Game Using Reinforcement Learning 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Adilovic, Una (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Tunnel games are a type of 3D video game in which the player moves through a tunnel and tries to avoid obstacles by rotating around the axis of the tunnel. These games often involve fast-paced gameplay and require quick ...
  • Structure of a boundary layer between a star and an accretion disk: analytical models 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Trachta, Tomáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    In this work, we attempt to find a three-dimensional solution to the Navier-Stokes equations describing an α-disk accreting onto a neutron star. The solution for great radial distances is well-known. However, this solution ...
  • Stolní hra Agricola a umělá inteligence 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Vacek, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Bachelor thesis on artificial intelligence for Agricola deals with the actual implementation of the game, the computer controlled player, and the creation of a strategy for the human player. The developed program allows, ...
  • Odhady parametrů pro frakcionální Brownův pohyb 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hartman, Štěpán (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 26. 6. 2023
    This bachelor's thesis deals with a mathematical object called fractional Brownian motion, which has substantial applications in a wide variety of disciplines including, next to theoretical and financial mathematics, the ...
  • Webový plugin pro vizualizaci sady sekundárních struktur RNA 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hercík, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    The study of RNA is important to better understand evolution or some diseases. In this thesis, we present a library written in Typescript that offers methods for visual analysis of multiple RNA secondary structures, but ...
  • Reduction-based Solvers for Multi-agent Pathfinding: Comparing Different Models 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ramesh, Samyuktha (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    - Samyuktha Ramesh Thesis Title: Reduction-based Solvers for Multi-agent Pathfinding: Comparing Different Models Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is the problem of navigating a set of agents from their starting position to ...
  • Virtuální realita pro označování dat ke strojovému učení 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šára, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
  • Hadron production in deep inelastic scattering of muons off protons at COMPASS experiment 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Benešová, Vendula (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    The main goal of this thesis is to investigate azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) of polarized muons on unpolarized nucleons using data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN. ...
  • Vyhodnocování výkonnosti investičních portfolií 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kočandrle, Vojtěch (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Many people invest their money in various assets in order to produce gain. Therefore, they need to monitor how their investments are doing. There are specialized applications for this purpose. However, most of the existing ...
  • Vulnerabilities and security proofs of communication protocols used by malware 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Med, Ondřej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    Cryptographic games with their transitions are a useful tool for proving cryptographic properties of various security protocols. We have explored together the notions of neg- ligible functions, cryptographic games and their ...
  • Detection of Influential Individuals, Communities, and Link Prediction in Social Networks 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    König, Matúš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Social network analysis provides several means to better understand the structure of the underlying social networks. This thesis is focused on the area of community detection in social networks. We discuss six of the main ...
  • Interaktivní hra pro psychoterapii dětí 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hořký, Vladimír (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Play is a natural way for children to communicate, and traditional games and toys are commonly used in child psychotherapy. Despite the increasing popularity of computer games among children, their use in child psychotherapy ...
  • Problém izomorfismu pro quandly odvozené z grup 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Pudich, Ondřej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 28. 6. 2023
    In this bachelor thesis, we focus on the mathematical structure called quandle. The point of interest shall be to provide the solution to the isomorphism problem, i.e., to determine exactly when two quandles are isomorphic. ...
  • Terahertz spectroscopy of altermagnets 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Jasenský, Kryštof (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    Recent advances in theoretical understanding of magnetic solids have shown that by utilising a more general spin-symmetry description and defining a new elementary magnetic phase-altermagnetism, in addition to ferromagnetism ...
  • Preparation and characterization of Lu2Ir2O7 single crystals 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hájek, Filip (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    Present thesis is focused on the synthesis and characterization of Lu2Ir2O7 single crystals as a part of a broader study of rare-earth A2Ir2O7 pyrochlore iridates, where A = Y, La-Lu. These materials, crystallizing in the ...
  • Electroweak bosons as probes of quark-gluon plasma 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Jirásek, Radek (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    Title: Electroweak bosons as probes of quark-gluon plasma Author: Radek Jirásek Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Rybář, Ph.D, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Abstract: ...
  • Komplexné náhodné veličiny 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kovalčíková, Emma (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    This bachelor thesis deals with complex random variables and complex random vec- tors. We introduce the complex normal distribution by deriving it from the multivariate normal distribution and we describe maximum likelihood ...
  • ROC krivka 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Zatkalíková, Zuzana (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    This bachelor's thesis firstly defines the basic terms and then describes the ROC curve. Thesis deals with meaning of the ROC curve, its properties and construction with a graphic representation. Subsequently, the expression ...
  • Validation of snow cover forecast by numerical weather prediction model ALADIN 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ševčík, Jáchym (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    This thesis deals with forecast of snow cover made by the numerical weather predic- tion model ALADIN and with snow cover measurements. First, it describes the model parametrization of snow-related variables. This is ...
  • Vliv depozičních parametrů při magnetronovém naprašování na morfologii protonově vodivé membrány pro vodíkové technologie 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Herman, Jaroslav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
  • Model of coherent electron dynamics in molecules 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šenk, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 9. 6. 2023
    An ultrashort laser pulse photoionizing the molecule produces a superposition of a few cationic states. The coupling between the electrons and the nuclei has been predicted to cause fast decoherence. In this thesis, a ...
  • Elektrické vlastnosti organických vrstev pro sluneční články 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Klosse, Patricie (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 9. 6. 2023
    The aim of this work is to measure the diffusion length and mobility of charge carriers in MEH-PPV polymer layers as a function of SiO2 nanoparticle concentration. MEH-PPV samples contained particles with volume concentrations: ...
  • The role of non-Gaussian entanglement of continuous variable quantum states in quatum technologies 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Matulík, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 12. 6. 2023
    We present an effort to find a measure of non-Gaussianity of non-Gaussian states. We compute the difference between the logarithmic negativities of a non-Gaussian state and its Gaussified form as a non-Gaussian entanglement ...
  • Implicit information extraction from news stories 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kydlíček, Hynek (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    This work deals with information extraction from Czech News Stories. We focus on four tasks: Publishing server, Article category, Author's textual gender and Publication day of week. Due to the absence of a suitable dataset ...
  • Modelování advekčně-difúzních procesů v jaterní tkáni 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kottman, Peter (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 6. 2023
    In the modern day, various liver diseases have become increasingly widespread in the human population, some having important mortality rates. Understanding and efficient treatment of these diseases requires a multidisciplinary ...
  • Copula based models for multivariate time series 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šír, David (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 15. 6. 2023
    The thesis deals with the modelling of multivariate time series. The SCOMDY model is described. It models individual univariate time series using an ARMA-GARCH, and their dependence structure is modelled using a copula. ...
  • Experimentální studium rekombinace astrofyzikálně významných iontů s elektrony 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hájek, Daniel (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 6. 2023
    Chemical kinetics model for preparation of H2D+ and HD2 + recombination was created. Model predicted, how the chemistry inside of the apparatus will develop so the best initial conditions for the measurement could be set. ...
  • Data Lineage Analysis for PySpark and Python ORM Libraries 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Jurčo, Andrej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 6. 6. 2023
    In the world of ETL tools and data processing, Python is one of the main languages used in practice. Python scripts that define data manipulations usually use the same Python framework, PySpark, which is the Python API for ...
  • Stochastické viacstupňové úlohy distribúcie liekov 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Tekulová, Paula (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 15. 6. 2023
    This thesis deals with the multi-stage stochastic problems for drug distribu- tion. In the first chapter, we introduced two-stage and multi-stage stochastic programming problems. In the second chapter, we constructed a ...
  • Neutral Meson Production in Ag+Ag Collisions at 1.58 A GeV with HADES Electromagnetic Calorimeter 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Prozorov, Alexandr (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 11. 5. 2023
    Title: Neutral Meson Production in Ag+Ag Collisions at 1.58 A GeV with HADES Electromagnetic Calorimeter Author: Alexandr Prozorov Abstract: The Dielectron Spectrometer HADES operating at the SIS18 synchro- tron, FAIR/GSI ...
  • Problém čtyř bodů 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hálová, Eliška (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 26. 6. 2023
    In this thesis we analyze a well-known mathematical question known as the four point problem. It asks for the probability that four points taken at random in a plane form a convex quadrilateral. Since there is no concrete ...
  • Vplyv materiálového napätia na emisiu terahertzového žiarenia zo spintronických emitorov 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Brezinová, Dominika (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    The main focus of this work is on the impact of strain on emission of terahertz radiation from spintronic emitters. First chapter is dedicated to the introduction to spintronics, terahertz radiation, spintronic emitters ...
  • Toleranční intervaly 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bedřich, Marek (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 26. 6. 2023
    This bachelor's thesis deals with tolerance intervals, a statistical tool used to quan- tify the uncertainty of statistical predictions. The introductory part of the text briefly recalls confidence intervals. The thesis ...
  • Magnetooptické studium vlivu zárodečné vrstvy na formování magnetických vlastností tenkých vrstev La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Melzer, Aleš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    The impact of film thickness on optical and magneto-optical properties of La2/3Sr1/3O3 (LSMO) thin films was studied by optical and magneto-optical methods. A series of LSMO samples with increasing thicknesses was pre- ...
  • Testovanie normality 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Šúrik, Matej (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
  • Knowledge Extraction with Deep Belief Networks 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bronec, Jan (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) are multi-layered neural networks constructed as a series of Restricted Boltzmann Machines stacked on each other. Like several other types of neural networks, increasing the size of a DBN will ...
  • Elementární teorie grup lineárních lomených transformací 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Tomášková, Sára (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 28. 6. 2023
    The thesis focuses on the properties of general projective linear group PGL2(F) and its action on the projective line P1 (F), both for a finite and an infinite field F. Only the basic knowledge from the Bachelor studies ...
  • 3D Simulátor šermu s mečem založený na fyzice 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Hroník, Jakub (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Combat with a cold weapon can be seen in many video games, but rarely does it attempt a realistic simulation that would provide the player with freedom nearing what cold weapon manipulation allows in the real world. Big ...
  • Předpovídání výkonnosti fotbalových hráčů 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kellich, Adam (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    This thesis focuses on the development of tools to improve the experience of play- ing the online fantasy football game Sorare. In Sorare, players buy collectible cards that represent real footballers and compete against ...
  • A tool for querying multi-model data 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Bakhtin, Artem (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Querying over multi-model data is a challenging task even for expert users, as they typically need to master a number of query languages and be aware of the logical repre- sentation of the data. In this thesis, we propose ...
  • Fluorescence excitation spectra of photosynthetic antennae 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Materna, Filip (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    The aim of this thesis is to offer a brief overview of energetic transfer taking place in photosynthetic antenna systems by studying an example antenna and trying to simulate its behavior. Utilising modern literature, we ...
  • Aditivita metody Chain-Ladder pro projekci technických rezerv v neživotním pojištění 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Němec, Adam (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    This bachelor thesis deals with the subject of additivity of projections obtained by the Chain Ladder method in the corresponding cumulative development triangles. The reader first gets acquainted with the Chain Ladder ...
  • Plasma methods for modification and preparation of biopolymers 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Červenková, Veronika (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 6. 2023
    The thesis covers the main results of research on atmospheric pressure plasma modi- fication of biopolymers for the preparation of functional materials. Sodium alginate solu- tions processed by means of a plasma jet were ...
  • Low temperature plasma and nanoparticles: effects of gas flow and surfaces 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Ali-Ogly, Suren (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 28. 6. 2023
    Title: Low temperature plasma and nanoparticles: effects of gas flow and surfaces Author: Ing. Suren A. Ali-Ogly, B.Eng Department / Institute: Department of Macromolecular Physics / Charles University Supervisor of the ...
  • Spektroskopické studium verteporfinu v liposomech 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Laubrová, Veronika (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 8. 6. 2023
    The diploma thesis examined the photochemical properties of verteporphin in liposomes. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy and time-resolved detection of singlet oxygen generated by verteporphin were used. The kinetics ...
  • Studium preciptačních procesů v systému Mg-Y a Mg-Y-Nd 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Heteš, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 20. 6. 2023
    The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to investigate the precipitation processes in the binary system Mg-Y and the ternary alloy Mg-Y-Nd using positron annihilation spect- roscopy and hardness testing, where we measured 2 ...
  • Adaptive generated encounters in a rogue-like role-playing video game 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Guth Jarkovský, Tomáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 7. 2. 2023
    We want to provide a video game player with a fun, unique, challenging experience. That may not be the case in games involving a lot of possibilities or randomness. This thesis introduces an algorithm for a procedural ...
  • A Symmetric Homophily-preserving Opinion Diffusion Model 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Prokop, Aleš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    We define and study a symmetric homophily-preserving opinion diffusion model on clusters of voters. This model is symmetric, which means that clusters of voters influence each other. The model is also homophily-preserving, ...
  • RSA v číselných telesách a na mriežkach 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Kucka, Filip Miroslav (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 21. 6. 2023
    This thesis is focused on the RSA algorithm in number fields and on lattices. Specif- ically, we extend the work the authors Zheng and Liu in their article High Dimensional RSA. In the thesis we precisely describe all the ...
  • ParsecCore: A parser combinator library in the C# language 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Tichý, Michal (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    In this thesis, we implement a parser combinator library in C# inspired by Parsec. Parser combinators refer to a style of parsing where a parser is modeled as function from string to some structured result. Afterward, ...
  • Extension of web-based interface for protein binding sites prediction 

    Výsledek obhajoby: OBHÁJENO
    Polák, Lukáš (Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2023)
    Datum obhajoby: 29. 6. 2023
    Protein-ligand binding sites are positions on the protein structure where the protein interacts with other molecules. PrankWeb is a web server devel- oped at MFF UK allowing prediction of such places. These predictions are ...

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